<angielski, 6 klasa> Proszę o pomoc. Muszę dokończyć detektywistyczny raport. Oto jego początek.
Yestersay evenning a burglar broke into a house at 13, Elm Street. He climbed through the window into sitting room. The owner of the house, Mrs Robinson, was at the home. When the burglar saw her, he tied her to a chair. He tole some valuable jewels and ran away through the window. Mrs Brown, the Robinsons' neigh bour was at the window, of her house when she suddenly saw the thief. She telephoned the police at once. At the same time Mr Robinson came back home and found his wife tied to the chair. He also telephoned the police........................(i tu musze dokończyć)
The policeman says: We arrived here for a minute. When they waithing for the police Mrs Robinson was crying. When the policeman ran into the house he saw some things on the flor. It was necklece. The burglar want's to take this necklece. Next day policeman phoned Mrs Robinson and told her tha the burglar was catch and she can stop crying :)