Look at the picture below! Make a good arrangement of procedure text!
A. Cut the burger bun into two halves and put one slice on a plate. Place the lettuce on it and then put the onion slices. B. and microwave it for 2 minutes or until done. Egg partyis ready. C. First, Butter a microwave safe bowl. Add egg whites pepper, salt and seasoning of your choice in it and beat well
D. Now add a layer of sauce on it. Cover it with the second bun slice and enjoy
E. Now put the omelet patty over the onion slices and put a slice of cheese over it then put the tomato slices and spinach on top of it
A. Cut the burger bun into two halves and put one slice on a plate. Place the lettuce on it and then put the onion slices.
C. First, Butter a microwave safe bowl. Add egg whites pepper, salt and seasoning of your choice in it and beat well
B. and microwave it for 2 minutes or until done. Egg patty is ready.
E. Now put the omelet patty over the onion slices and put a slice of cheese over it then put the tomato slices and spinach on top of it
D. Now add a layer of sauce on it. Cover it with the second bun slice and enjoy
Jawaban sudah disusun sesuai urutannya.
A. Potong roti burger menjadi dua bagian dan taruh satu potong di atas piring. Tempatkan selada di atasnya lalu taruh irisan bawang.
C. Pertama, oleskan mentega mangkuk yang aman untuk microwave. Tambahkan lada putih telur, garam dan bumbu pilihanmu ke dalamnya dan kocok rata
B. dan panggang di dalam microwave selama 2 menit atau sampai matang. Patty telur sudah siap.
E. Sekarang taruh patty telur dadar di atas irisan bawang dan taruh seiris keju di atasnya lalu taruh irisan tomat dan bayam di atasnya
D. Sekarang tambahkan lapisan saus di atasnya. Tutupi dengan irisan roti kedua dan nikmati.
Semoga membantu ya.