The biggest animal on Earth is the blue whale. It lives in every ocean of the world. It is 33 metres long and is . Large and heavy than the large dinosaur. It usally stays under water from 10 to 15 minutes and then comes up for air. When a blue whale breathes, is makes a loud nosie. It is loud than a jet plane. It blows water 12-15 metres intro the air above the sea. It lives for about 30 years. Unfortunately, there aren;t many blue whales in the world today. These beautiful animals are in danger.
I na postawie tekstu trzeba: Complete teh information about the blue whale. I jest taka jakby tabelka:
Why/important? i trzeba napisać The blue whale-......? The polar bear-......?
Where/lives? The blue whale-......? The polar bear-......?
Size? The blue whale-......? The polar bear-......?
Lives for? The blue whale-......? The polar bear-......?
In danger? The blue whale-......? The polar bear-......?
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Wiem że to strasznie trudne ale ja tego nie kapuej co tu wogóle pisze. Oczywiście będzie naj :)
Why/important ? The blue whale - Is the biggest animal in the wrold Polar bear - is the biggest bear in the world
Where lives? Blue whale-- lives every ocean in world Bear - in the arctic Circle , in Alaska and greenland
The blue whale - Is the biggest animal in the wrold
Polar bear - is the biggest bear in the world
Where lives?
Blue whale-- lives every ocean in world
Bear - in the arctic Circle , in Alaska and greenland
blu whale 33m
bear 3m
Lives for ?
whale 30 years
bear 15 - 18 years
In danger ?