List powitalny napisany przez dyrektora hotelu Pana Artura Kowalskiego. Powinien zachować formę listu i zawierać w treści: - powitanie gościa - życzenie miłego pobytu - zaproszenie gościa przez dyrektora hotelu na uroczystą kolacje w drugim dniu pobytu o godz 18.00 - zaproszenie do skorzystania z przygotowanego w pokoju poczęstunku -zachęcenia do skorzystania z usług hotelu - zwrot grzecznosciowy konczacy list. Proszę bardzo o napisanie listu po ang. Ja nawet nie potrafilabym ładnie tego ułozyc po polsku a codopiero w jezyku obcym. Zadanie jest na ocene wiec bardzo mi na nim zalezy.
It is our pleasure to welcome you to Korona Hotel in Zakopane. We are honoured that you have selected our hotel. Our professional and friendly staff is committed to ensuring that your stay is both enjoyable and comfortable. You will be provided with the cleanest room, friendliest staff and best value. You are welcome to use our facilities: swimming pool, sauna or jacuzzi. If you encounter any concerns while staying with us, pleas contact the Front Desk immediately to allow us the opportunity to correct the situation. It is also our pleasure to invite you to dinner in our hotel restaurant on 3rd May 2010 at 6 p.m. Pleas do not hesitate to help yourself to the delicious treatment prepared for you in your room. We look forward to serving you now and on the future trips to Zakopane. Enjoy your stay.
Dear Mr Collins
It is our pleasure to welcome you to Korona Hotel in Zakopane. We are honoured that you have selected our hotel. Our professional and friendly staff is committed to ensuring that your stay is both enjoyable and comfortable. You will be provided with the cleanest room, friendliest staff and best value. You are welcome to use our facilities: swimming pool, sauna or jacuzzi. If you encounter any concerns while staying with us, pleas contact the Front Desk immediately to allow us the opportunity to correct the situation. It is also our pleasure to invite you to dinner in our hotel restaurant on 3rd May 2010 at 6 p.m. Pleas do not hesitate to help yourself to the delicious treatment prepared for you in your room. We look forward to serving you now and on the future trips to Zakopane.
Enjoy your stay.
Your sincerely.
Artur Kowalski
Managing Director