list oficjalny Właśnie wróciłaś do domu z pobytu na kempingu.nie poddobały Ci się tam niektóre rzeczy ,dlatego zdecydowałaś się napisac list do kierownika kempingu.
-napisz kiedy i jak długo przebywałaś na kempingu.
opisz miejsce w którym rozbiłaś namiot i wyjaśnij,dlaczego Ci sie ono nie podobało.
-napisz co sądziesz o wyposażeniu łazienek ,a takze o kawiarni.
-Okresl działania których oczekujesz od kierownika kempingu i podaj swoje powody.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Mr. Tomphson,
I am writing to you regarding to my stay in campsite last week. I was there two weeks.
I pitched a tent in place where was a lot of rubbish, when I wanted to change this place nobody wanted to help me, so I decided to stay there after all. At night I could not sleep because I have heard bark of dogs, and some people had a party almost every night. It was terrible.
Next thing is, that sink was spoiled, water was cold and it seemed that nobody cleaned up there, I saw worms. Only cafeteria was in good style, my favourite place here.
Mr. Thompson I will be pleased if you could change the situation there. I expect reimburse half the cost or discount next year. It is too bad, that you are not responsible for your work. Thank you for reading.
Yours sincerely,