LIST FORMALNY Mieszkasz w małym miasteczku w UK. Właśnie dowiedziałeś się o zamiarze zlikwidowania placu zabaw na twoim osiedlu i wybudowaniu parkingu. Napisz list do władz miasta z protestem przeciwko tym planom Przedstaw się i poinformuj w jakiej sprawie piszesz Poinformuj skąd dowiedziałeś się o tych planach i dlaczego się z nimi nie zgadzasz Uzasadnij dlaczego pozostawienie placu zabaw jest dla ciebie takie ważne zaproponuj gdzie indziej mógłby się mieścić parking Poproś o odpowiedź i wyjaśnienie powodu decyzji likwidacji placu.
imie i nazwisko swoje 34 edinburgh road KA9-20 prestwick
City Chambers 80 George Square, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G2 9SH, United Kingdom
Dear Sir/Madam
Hi am ( imie i nazawisko) and I have read on the city council news paper that the play graund will be changed for car parking.I write to you to say that this is the only one play ground in this area and if you will cheange it children form this area will be play on the steets.I know that the car parking is need to but you can find other place such as a empty space near the park on london road, there is no too much space but i think is enought prestwick is not a very big city.As i said lots of peaople need it thats why i witing to you because people in this area are not happy about it and most of them are aganist it. Play ground is very importat for as and our children, because we don't want see our children play on the steet, is dangerous and children will be disappointed because of this.Most of the area if aganist of changing this so can you explain it to as soon as posible.I be happy to hear from you your sinserly
sorki nie mam czasu tlumaczyc ale zapewanim ze wszystko jest zawarte.
imie i nazwisko swoje 34 edinburgh road KA9-20 prestwick to piszesz u gory po prawej i to twoj zyslony adres i imie i nazwisko gdzi episze to zamien sobie to na jakies chcesz ... najlepiej twoje
34 edinburgh road
City Chambers
80 George Square, Glasgow,
Lanarkshire G2 9SH,
United Kingdom
Dear Sir/Madam
Hi am ( imie i nazawisko) and I have read on the city council news paper that the play graund will be changed for car parking.I write to you to say that this is the
only one play ground in this area and if you will cheange it children form this area will be play on the steets.I know that the car parking is need to but you can find other place
such as a empty space near the park on london road, there is no too much space but i think is enought prestwick is not a very big city.As i said lots of peaople need it
thats why i witing to you because people in this area are not happy about it and most of them are aganist it. Play ground is very importat for as and our children,
because we don't want see our children play on the steet, is dangerous and children will be disappointed because of this.Most of the area if aganist of changing this so can you explain
it to as soon as posible.I be happy to hear from you
your sinserly
sorki nie mam czasu tlumaczyc ale zapewanim ze wszystko jest zawarte.
imie i nazwisko swoje
34 edinburgh road
prestwick to piszesz u gory po prawej i to twoj zyslony adres i imie i nazwisko gdzi episze to zamien sobie to na jakies chcesz ... najlepiej twoje