List do kolegi: Przetłumacz na j. angielski. Tylko tak dobrze gramatycznie ctrl + c, ctrl + v google tłumacz ...
Hi Josh,
Piszę do ciebie, gdyż nie mogłeś przyjść na koncert, chciałbym ci o nim opowiedzieć.
Czy czujesz się już lepiej ? Mam nadzieję że nie było to nic poważnego. Życzę ci oczywiście abyś szybko wrócił do zdrowia.
Teraz może powiem ci jak było na koncercie. Było tam naprawdę fajnie, ale z tobą było by lepiej. Kapela zagrała długi koncert. Było kilka powtórzeń piosenek na życzenie publiczności. Niestety za ostatnim razem jeden z muzyków wylał jakiś napój na wzmacniacz. Zrobiło się małe spięcie przez co nie mogli oni już dalej spiewać. Po tym zdarzeniu postanowiłem iśc do domu, ponieważ nie było już nic ciekawego do roboty.
Mam nadzieję że na następny koncert pójdziesz zemną. Aby wynagrodzić ci to, może wybierzemy sie razem do kina ? Wyszedł ostatnio film "Hobbit". Przyjaciele mówili, że był on ciekawy.
Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia,
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Josh,
I am writing to you because you could not come to the concert, I would like to tell you about it.
Do you feel better now? I hope it was not anything serious. Of course you to wish you get well soon.
Now maybe I'll tell you how it was at the concert. There were really cool, but with you would be to better. The band starred a long gig. There were a few repeat songs on demand audience. Unfortunately, behind the last time one of the of musicians angel poured a drink on the amplifier. It got a little short circuit by what they could not sing any further. After the incident, I decided to go home because there was nothing interesting to do.
I hope the next concert you will go with me. In order to compensate for this you can choose to come together to the cinema? He came out last film, "The Hobbit." Friends said that he was curious.
A speedy recovery,
licze na najjj!
Hi Josh,
because you couldn't had come to the concert, I would like you to tell you about it.
Do you feel better already? I hope it wasn't something serious. I wish you quick recovery.
And now I'm going to tell you how was the concert. It was really cool, but with you it woulf be better. The team played long concert. It was some encores of songs, at the request of viewers. Unfortunately, the one of the musician poured on the amplifier some drink. They've had got a short circuit, so they couldn't sing anymore. After that accident, I decided to go home, cause I had nothing to do there.
I hope the next concer you'll be with me. To reward you that, what about going to the cinema? It was the premiere of "Hobbit" lately. My friends told me, it was interesting.