Robię mini project z anglika. chodzi mi o treść. tematem projectu jest festyn/festiwal w Ostrowie. Napiszcie:
-when did it start
-when does it happen
-what kind of festival is it
-how many people usually go to it. (możecie napisać więcej)
Koniecznie na jutro!! Musi być na poziomie 6 klasy ewentualnie odrobine tekstu na poziomie gimnazjum/ liceum. Wszelkie pytania proszę pisać. MA BYĆ DOKŁADNIE!! Tekst musi zająć minimum kartkę A4.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A festival in Ostrów is organized by 10 years. This is Ostrów's Mayor's idea. It takes place on 10th November every year. Many people from Ostrów and the surrounding villages come to the Piekarska Street (możesz zmienić nazwę ulicy na jakąś, która jest w Ostrowie ;P) to help ill children and adults.
This celebration starts at 11 o'clock. Volunteeres first conduct auctions of paintings and crafts. Every time they manage to sell everything. The paintings aren't so cheap, but they are very beautiful. They present usually caricatures of people, their disease, but show that such a person can find himself among "normal" people. Buyers will take part in the auction, because they want to have these ornaments. After the auctions people can buy products on the stands. At 14 o'clock in Ostrów there is charity concert. The most famous singers disinterestedly give people the opportunity to listen to good live music. The festival lasts for six o'clock. Then Volunteeres go to the hospitals and hospices.
Children and adults always thank volunteeres for their hard work and sacrifice and want to thank also people who give them lot of money. It's nice to see a smile on their faces!
Nie wiem, czy na pewno na stronę, ale są trzy akapity więc postaraj się jakoś rozszerzać pismo... :D
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam
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