LICEUM. Przeczytałeś artykuł, którego autor uważa, że egzaminy maturalne powinny zostać zastąpione egzaminami wstępnymi na studia. Przygotuj wpis na blog na temat artykułu. - Napisz gdzie przeczytałeś artykuł. - Krótko przedstaw temat artykułu. - Wyraź swoją opinię na temat przedstawionego w artykule pomysłu i uzasadnij ją. - Zachęć innych czytelników do wyrażenia swojego zdania na ten temat. 80-130 słów
Dear readers! I came across an interesting article when browsing through some newspapers that I bought at the newsagent's shop. The writer claimed that Matura exams should be replaced by entrance exams for particular studies. He presented us with some interesting facts and statistics which prove that such change would be really good. I personally agree with that statement. Nowadays people tend to have very specified plans for the future and they often know what they want to study after high school. Thus, forcing them to take such general exam as Matura is rather pointless. Entrance exams, however, are much more specific. That way students would learn only what they need to know. What do you think about that idea? Write below in the comments! Stay tuned!
I came across an interesting article when browsing through some newspapers that I bought at the newsagent's shop. The writer claimed that Matura exams should be replaced by entrance exams for particular studies. He presented us with some interesting facts and statistics which prove that such change would be really good.
I personally agree with that statement. Nowadays people tend to have very specified plans for the future and they often know what they want to study after high school. Thus, forcing them to take such general exam as Matura is rather pointless. Entrance exams, however, are much more specific. That way students would learn only what they need to know.
What do you think about that idea? Write below in the comments!
Stay tuned!