Liburan Panjang saya dan keluarga saya pergi ke kota kuningan menaiki mobil untuk berlibur ke rumah kakek dan nenek disana saya bermain dengan saudara laki-laki dan saudara perempuan saya merasa senang karena disana saya bisa melihat sawah,padi,jagung dan buah-buahan lainnya dan disana udaranya sangat sejuk dan lingkungannya sangat bersih setelah sekian lama saya melihat-lihat pemandangan yg sangat cantik akhirnya saya pulang.
Ini TERJEMAHAN .INGGRISnya : Long Vacation My family and I went to town brass up the car for a vacation home there, my grandparents play with brothers and sisters and I feel happy because there I could see the rice fields, rice, corn and other fruits, and there the air is very airy and very clean environment after such a long time I see the sights of extreme beauty I finally go home.
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Long Vacation My family and I went to Kuningan up the car for a vacation home there, my grandparents play with brothers and sisters and I feel happy because there I could see the rice fields, rice, corn and other fruits, and there the air is very airy and very clean environment after such a long time I see the sights of extreme beauty I finally go home.
semoga membantu ya
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iya makasih ya. tolong artiin kalimat yang satunya mksh
Long Vacation
My family and I went to town brass up the car for a vacation home there, my grandparents play with brothers and sisters and I feel happy because there I could see the rice fields, rice, corn and other fruits, and there the air is very airy and very clean environment after such a long time I see the sights of extreme beauty I finally go home.
My family and I went to Kuningan up the car for a vacation home there, my grandparents play with brothers and sisters and I feel happy because there I could see the rice fields, rice, corn and other fruits, and there the air is very airy and very clean environment after such a long time I see the sights of extreme beauty I finally go home.
semoga membantu ya