October 2018 1 24 Report

Lektura Opimum w rosole na jej podstawie wypisz bohaterow,jakie byly rodziny,kto tworzyl rodzine,ile bylo dzieci i co one robily

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Zad 1Wpisz brakujace litery tak aby utworzyc wlasciwe slowa zwiazane z panstwem polityka lub gospodarka1. C_RR_ _CY .......................2.G_VE_ _ M_NT ....................3.M_NA_ _ HY .......................4.P_ES_D_N_ ....................5.N_TI_ _A_I_Y.................6.A_TH_M..........................7.M_N_S_ _ R...................8.C_PI_AN..........................9.CO_STI_ _TI_N....................10.P_RL_ _M_NT.....................11.I_D_P_ND_N_E................12.P_PU_ _ T_ON....................Zad 2 Przetlumacz poznizsze wyrazenia na jezyk angielski 1.Pozwol ze sie przedstawie......................2.Czy mozesz to przeliterowac?.......................3.Witaj w szkole!..............................4.Co masz na mysli?...............5.Mow mi Joe.......................6.Najlepsze zyczenia...................7.Jak sie pisze cauliflower?.....................8.Czesc Mike co tam?..........9.Nie ma za co..................10.Przyjemnosc po mojej stronie..............11.Dobra robota!................12.Najlepszego z okazji rocznicy....................13.Co to bylo?....................14.Trzymaj sie!....................zad 3 Wpisz okreslenia pokrewienstwa w puste miejsca.1.He's my mother's brother .My .......................2.She's my father's daguther My .......................3.He's my mother's son .. My ..................4.He's my daguther's brother . My .................5.My father's sister My..................6.My brother's son. My....................7.My mother's mother My .............8.My son's sister My ,..............9.My uncle's son My ................10.My father's father My....................11.My brother's mother My...................
Zad 1 Wpisz te czasowniki s lub es jesli zle napisalam polecenie to tu jest po angielsku (Write these verbs + -s or -es) przy kazdym zadaniu tak napisalam 1.(read) she ......2.(think) he.........3.(fly) it...... 4.(dance) he .......5.(have) she.....6.(finish) it........Zad 2 Uzupełnij zdania. Skorzystaj z tych czasowników ( Complete the sentences. Use these verbs)boil,close,cost,cost,like ,meet,open,teach,wash,speak1.Margaret. ............ four languages.2.In Britain the banks usually .............. at 9.30 in the morning.3.The City Museum .................... at 5 o' clock in the evening4.Tina is a teacher. She ................ mathematics to young chlidren.5.My job is very interesting. I .................. a lot of people 6. Peter .......................... his hair twice a week.7. Food is exepensive.They ................. a lot of money 8.Shores are expensive. They ................... a lot of money 9.Water.................... at 100 degrees Celsius.10.Julia and I are good friends. I .................... her and she .................. me.Zad 3 napisz zdania z tymi słowami. Wstaw czasowniki w prawo od ( arrive or arrives etc.) ( write sentences from these words. Put the verb in the right from (arrive or arrives etc.) 1.(always/early/Sue/arrive.......................2.(basketball/ I / play/ often) I .................3.(work / Margaret / hard / usually)...........4.(Jenny /always /nice clothes /wear)................5.(dinner/we/ have / always / /at 7.30.............6.(televison /Tim/watch/never)..................7.(like/chocolate/children/usually).............8.(Julia/parties/enojy/always)............Zad 4 pisać negatywne ( write the negative )1.We work very hard 2.He has a bath every day 3.You do the same thing every day

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