Today's been a difficult day in the office. I was on my own. Brenda's had a baby recently and she's been on sick / maternity leave for three months. Harry, who's replacing her, is off sick / ill. At 9 a.m. Shelley phoned to say she really had to take the day away / off the help her grandma, who's ill. Oh, I almost forgot to mention... The boss is on / in holiday. Last week he gave himself a week's off / leave to go skiing in the Alps.
barwiToday's been a difficult day in the office. I was on my own. Brenda's had a baby recently and she's been on maternity leave for three months. Harry, who's replacing her, is off sick. At 9 a.m. Shelley phoned to say she really had to take the day off the help her grandma, who's ill. Oh, I almost forgot to mention... The boss is on holiday. Last week he gave himself a week's leave to go skiing in the Alps.
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Brenda's had a baby recently and she's been on maternity leave for three months. Harry, who's replacing her, is off sick. At 9 a.m. Shelley phoned to say she really had to take the day off to help her grandma, who's ill. The boss is on holiday. Last week he gave himself a week's leave to skiing in he Alps.
Harry, who's replacing her, is off sick.
At 9 a.m. Shelley phoned to say she really had to take the day off to help her grandma, who's ill.
The boss is on holiday.
Last week he gave himself a week's leave to skiing in he Alps.