Zad 1 Ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały poprawne zdania.
1. and invented Spain in was Belgium bossaball
2. similar to voleyball sports is a it
3. it capoeira also gymnastics it has the of elements football and
4. play people a this trampoline sports on big
Zad 2 Odpowiedz na pytanie
What do you like tje most/ least about bossaball?
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Zadanie 1.
1.Bossaball was invented in Spain and Belgium
2. It is a sport similar to volleyball
3. It also has the elements of football, gymnastycs and capoeira
4. People play this sport on a big trampoline.
Zadanie 2.
I like the most connecting sport with music because I like listening music when I doing something.
1. Bossaball was invented in Belgium and Spain (albo Spain and Belgium;-) )
2. It is a sport similiar to voleyball (chyba dodałaś niepotrzebnie s w wyrazie sport)
3. It has the elements of football, capoeira and also gymnastics.
4. People play at this big sports trampoline.
I like bosaball because it is something new to me and I like trying new things. It's great that you can play it almost everywhere and have lots of fun while doing it. And the thing I like the least about it is the fact that you can get lots of bruises during the game.
(Lubię bosaball ponieważ jest to coś nowego, a ja lubię próbować nowych rzeczy. Podoba mi się to, że moszesz w to grać prawie wszędzie i mieć z tego niezły ubaw. Rzecz, która najmniej mi się podoba to to, że możesz nabić sobie dużo siniaków.