Kupiłeś przez internet towar, z którego nie jesteś zadowolony. Napisz list do firmy, która ci go sprzedała.
- poinformuj, co i kiedy kupiłeś
- poskarż się na długi czas oczekiwania na przesyłkę i brak reakcji na e-mail
- podaj dwie wady kupionego towaru
- powiedz, jakiego rozwiązania oczekujesz, i wyraź nadzieję na szybką reakcję
list formalny, 120-150 słów
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Liczę na coś porządnego ; )
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir or Madam,
Hey, Im X.X.(imie, nazwisko) and last time I bought a shoes by You'r firm. It's hard to say but I'm not happy that u bought these shoes. I'm a quite dissapointed... I forgot, it was on 26 April.
I'm writting this letter and we've 24 May now. I wasted a lof of time waiting for You'r parcel. You said that this parcel'll came to me after two weeks, I was waiting almost a month. It's ridiculous, but the worst thing is that you haven't answered me. I've written two email's.
I forget, it isn't the worst thing, the worst thing was that these boot's haven't colour I want and these shoes wasn't in size I want.
I said that I'm dissapointed, but I don't know what I can say. I just want my money back, ok? I'm waiting for it. I'm counting for Your answer.