August 2018 1 17 Report
Kuźnia podejmuje produkcję nowego rodzaju odkuwek, które mają być wykonane na młotach do kucia swobodnego (wariant I) lub na młotach do kucia matrycowego (wariant II). Zgodnie ze sporządzonym rachunkiem koszt zmienny jednej odkuwki produkowanej według wariantu I wynosi 8 000,00 zł, a według wariantu II - 7 600,00 zł. Suma kosztów stałych w wypadku kucia swobodnego wynosi 2 400 000,00 zł, a kucia matrycowego 3 600 000,00 zł. Ustal wielkość produkcji odkuwek, przy której koszt jednej odkuwki w obydwu wariantach wytwarzania jest jednakowy oraz wysokość tego kosztu.

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zad.1Choose the correct answer.1. Look! It......! a. rains b. is raining c. raining2. I ...... letters to my friends at the weekend. a. am writing b. writing c. write3. Tommy ...... like reading books. a. doesn't b. isn't c. not4. .......... you go to Paris evary year? a. Do b. Does c. Are5. We ....... at the moment. a. don't play b. aren't playing c. don't playing6. My mother never ...... tea. a. drinks b. is drinking c. drink7. Leo ...... up at 7:30 every morning. a. get b. gets c. is getting8. My parents ..... in Miami. living c. livingzad.2Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.1. I usually .......(drink) milk but I .... (drink) coffee now.2. In Alaska it usually ..... (snow) but it ......(not snow) now.3. My sister ...... (never help) me with my homework. Now she ...... (help) my brother!4. We usually ...... (walk) to school but today we ........ (go) by bus5. My father usually .... (work) on Fridays but today he .....(sleep).zad 3.Complete the paragraph with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.I am Anna and I ... (work) at the school. I ... (teach) English and I .... (like) my job very much. My students are good children. This is a picture of my classroom. Some students ... (stand) in front of the class. Some other students ... (make) a poster. My favourite student Maria .... (talk) to them in English. She usually .... (speak) Englishin class. I .... (love) my students and we always .... (have) a good time.

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