Read the instructions and do the task. Then change roles and do the task again. Uczeń A Masz nowego współlokatora / nową współlokatorkę (uczeń B) i ustalasz z nim/nią zasady, jakie będą obowiązywać w Waszym wspólnym mieszkaniu. Poniżej podane są cztery kwestie, które musisz omówić z uczniem B: podział obowiązków związanych ze sprzątaniem zapraszanie gości godziny nauki i rozrywek korzystanie ze wspólnych przestrzeni (łazienka, kuchnia) Uczeń B Rozmawiasz ze swoim nowym współlokatorem / swoją nową współlokatorką (uczeń A), który/która chce ustalić zasady, jakie będą panować w Waszym wspólnym mieszkaniu. W zależności od tego, jak potoczy się rozmowa, spróbuj włączyć do niej wszystkie lub wybrane punkty: • nie zgódź się na proponowane Ci obowiązki domowe i zaproponuj inne rozwiązanie, • zaproponuj inny przedział godzin przeznaczonych na rozrywkę, • nie zgódź się na zaproponowane zasady zapraszania gości, • zaproponuj inny sposób korzystania ze wspólnych przestrzeni. Rozmowę rozpoczyna uczeń A.
Student A: Hey, I wanted/needed to talk to you about setting the rules that will apply in our shared apartment. What do you think about that?
Student B: Of course, I'm open to talking. What do you want to discuss?
Student A: First of all, I would like/would like to talk about the division of cleaning duties. What do you think about taking turns cleaning the apartment?
Student B: Maybe it would be better to set up specific tasks for each of us, so that we know what who has to do and there are no misunderstandings?
Student A: Good thought. In that case, how about you take care of vacuuming and mopping the floors every Thursday, and I would take care of cleaning the bathroom and kitchen every Tuesday?
Student B: Sounds reasonable, and I agree with that.
Student A: As for inviting guests? What are your ideas in this regard?
Student B: I think we should have some rules, such as that each of us should inform the other when we want to invite guests and for how long.
Student A: Okay, that's fine. As for study hours and entertainment? What do you think about setting a specific time slot for entertainment so that it doesn't interfere with our studies?
Student B: Maybe it would be a good idea to make it so that each day we have at least two hours set aside just for studying, and we can use the rest of the time for entertainment?
Student A: Okay, this is a good solution. And finally, the use of common spaces. What do you think about us cleaning up after ourselves after each use of the kitchen and bathroom?
Student B: Yes, of course, this is obvious to me. And as for the bathroom, maybe it would be a good idea to arrange for each of us to have our own place to store our toiletries and other things, to avoid misunderstandings?
Student A: Very good idea. I agree. I'm glad we were able to establish these rules.
Student A: Hey, I wanted/needed to talk to you about setting the rules that will apply in our shared apartment. What do you think about that?
Student B: Of course, I'm open to talking. What do you want to discuss?
Student A: First of all, I would like/would like to talk about the division of cleaning duties. What do you think about taking turns cleaning the apartment?
Student B: Maybe it would be better to set up specific tasks for each of us, so that we know what who has to do and there are no misunderstandings?
Student A: Good thought. In that case, how about you take care of vacuuming and mopping the floors every Thursday, and I would take care of cleaning the bathroom and kitchen every Tuesday?
Student B: Sounds reasonable, and I agree with that.
Student A: As for inviting guests? What are your ideas in this regard?
Student B: I think we should have some rules, such as that each of us should inform the other when we want to invite guests and for how long.
Student A: Okay, that's fine. As for study hours and entertainment? What do you think about setting a specific time slot for entertainment so that it doesn't interfere with our studies?
Student B: Maybe it would be a good idea to make it so that each day we have at least two hours set aside just for studying, and we can use the rest of the time for entertainment?
Student A: Okay, this is a good solution. And finally, the use of common spaces. What do you think about us cleaning up after ourselves after each use of the kitchen and bathroom?
Student B: Yes, of course, this is obvious to me. And as for the bathroom, maybe it would be a good idea to arrange for each of us to have our own place to store our toiletries and other things, to avoid misunderstandings?
Student A: Very good idea. I agree. I'm glad we were able to establish these rules.