Straszny sen
Pewnego zimnego, deszczowego wieczoru grupka przyjaciół Tom, Alex, Bella i Chris wybrała się na długi spacer. Chcieli iść przez las, a potem obok opuszczonych budynków. Bella i Alex szły przodem cały czas rozmawiając, a Chris i Tom podąrzali za nimi. Gdy weszli do lasu zapadła cisza. Zaczęli iść koło siebie do okoła było słychać tylko szelest liści i ciche pohukiwanie sowy. Las był ciemny nie było w nim żadnego światła tylko ciemność. Chris był najodważniejszy z całej czwórki i miał dość tego, że reszta idzie wolno więc ich wyprzedził. Szedł bardzo szybko, aż zniknął w ciemnościach. Nagle usłyszeli straszny krzyk. Zaczęli biec i zobaczyli Chrisa leżącego na ziemi. Zaczęli z przerażenia krzyczeć, gdy nagle wstał. Chris zaczął się śmiać. Oni stali jak słupy wpatrując się przed siebie. On zdziwiony obrócił się i zobaczył ciemną, wysoka postać zbliżającą się do nic. Chris krzyknął by uciekali. Zaczęli biec w kierunku domu Toma. Weszli do środka zamknęli drzwi, zasłonęli okna i poszli na górę do pokoju Toma. Włączyli komputer by znaleźć coś o dziwnym zjawisku, które zobaczyli. Bella nie wytrzymała i poszła do łazienki. Twarz ochlapała zimną wodą i zamkła na dłuższą chwile oczy. Gdy znów je otworzyła na lustrze był napis ,,To już KONIEC,,. Przerażona wybiegła z łazienki i pobiegła do pokoju Toma. Po otworzeniu drzwi Alex, Chris i Tom leżeli na podłodze nieżywi. W kącie stała postać z lasu, która zaczęła zbliżając się do Belli. W tym momencie Bella się obudziła.
zosialalikOne cold, rainy evening, a group of friends Tom, Alex, Bella and Chris went for a long walk. They wanted to go through the forest and then next to abandoned buildings. Bella and Alex went ahead all the time talking, and Chris and Tom podąrzali behind them. As they entered the forest silence. They began to go AROUND next to each other could be heard only the rustling of leaves and quiet an owl. The forest was dark there was no light in it only darkness. Chris was the bravest of the four and had rather that the rest goes so slowly overtook them. He walked very quickly, then disappeared into the darkness. Suddenly they heard a terrible scream. They began to run and saw Chris lying on the ground. They began to scream in terror when suddenly He stood up. Chris started laughing. They stood like pillars staring straight ahead. He surprised turned and saw dark, tall figure approaching to nothing. Chris shouted, to flee. They began to run toward the house of Tom. They entered the inside shut the door, and window curtain went up to the room It Has. They put the computer to find something about the strange phenomenon that they saw. Bella could not stand and went to the bathroom. Face splashed with cold water and zamkła the long moments of his eyes. When she opened them again on the mirror were the words ,, ,, This is the END. Terrified ran out of the bathroom and ran into Tom's room. After opening the door, Alex, Chris and Tom were lying on the floor dead. In one corner stood the character of the forest, which began approaching Bella. At this point, Bella woke up. A tak w ogóle to ładna opowieśc, twoja?
Tom, Alex, Bella and Chris went for a long walk.
They wanted to go through the forest and then next to abandoned buildings.
Bella and Alex went ahead all the time talking, and Chris and Tom
podąrzali behind them. As they entered the forest silence. They began to go
AROUND next to each other could be heard only the rustling of leaves and quiet
an owl. The forest was dark there was no light in it
only darkness. Chris was the bravest of the four and had
rather that the rest goes so slowly overtook them.
He walked very quickly, then disappeared into the darkness.
Suddenly they heard a terrible scream. They began to run and saw Chris
lying on the ground. They began to scream in terror when suddenly
He stood up. Chris started laughing. They stood like pillars
staring straight ahead. He surprised turned and saw
dark, tall figure approaching to nothing. Chris shouted,
to flee. They began to run toward the house of Tom. They entered the
inside shut the door, and window curtain went up to the room
It Has. They put the computer to find something about the strange phenomenon that
they saw. Bella could not stand and went to the bathroom.
Face splashed with cold water and zamkła the long moments of his eyes.
When she opened them again on the mirror were the words ,, ,, This is the END.
Terrified ran out of the bathroom and ran into Tom's room.
After opening the door, Alex, Chris and Tom were lying on the floor dead.
In one corner stood the character of the forest, which began approaching Bella.
At this point, Bella woke up.
A tak w ogóle to ładna opowieśc, twoja?