Ktoś kto umie angielski - POMOCY !
W załączniku są 2 zadania. W tym jedno, ZADANIE 6 prosiłabym żeby każde pytanie zawierało conajmniej 3 zdania. DZIĘKUJĘ !
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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CZ. 1. ZADANIE 6 (obrazek)
The man is teaching the girl how to write Japanese Letters, and how to write calligraphically using special quill.
It is very important for me to study languages. This is not only for getting better job, but also to communicate with other people.
I had to talk to someone in a foreign language during a trip to Oxford. It was several years ago when I started learning language. There were several funny situations and slips of the tongue. But because I know the basics I could understand anything.
CZ. 2. ZADANIE 3 (skills builder)
W załączniku ponumerowane pytania, plus dopisane po jednym w każdej kategorii.
Describe your home/ flat.
Tell me about your favorite dish.
Describe the worst trip to the other country you have ever been to.
1. The older member of my family is my grandmother. She is almost 98 years old. She has a great sense of humor. She wears funny cloths which smell like mothballs. But she is the greatest granny in the world.
3. I have several cloths in which I feel very comfortable and I like them. These cloths are: kind of trousers which are slimmer at the end of the leg, and a very wide and stretch.
I usually wear such cloths during the parties.
4. I like different kind of music. I do not like heavy metal and rock music. The other kinds of music I listen to depending on my mood. If I am sad I like pop or disco, if I am angry I prefer hip hop, but if I am happy I love jazz.
5. I do my homework in my room on the desk. But I prefer study in the different places. I love sitting in y rocking chair when I learn something by heart. And I love, which is not good, reading in my bed.
6. I never been to another country, but I would like to visit Spain and Italy. I can only imagine how beautiful country they are.
Plus dopisane pytania:
Describe your home/ flat.
I live in a big flat. It have 4 rooms (one living room, and 3 bedrooms), as well as bathroom, toilet and a very big kitchen. I love my kitchen very much. My room is nice and tidy. My friends also like it.
Tell me about your favorite dish.
My favorite dish is fried chicken with chips. I like the taste of the chicken.
Describe the worst trip to the other country you have ever been to.
I have never been abroad, but I can tell something about my trip to my aunt in another town. It was disaster. At the beginning the coach collapsed. We have to wait for another one. Later on we were waiting in a big traffic jam. The trip was terrible.