Książka welcome kl.VI . ( fioletowe) unit 14 Project Mount Vesuvis : near Naples , Italy - one of the most famous volcanoes in world . boggest eruption : in 79 AD - destroyed three ciuties ( Herculaneum , Pompeii and Stabiae ) March 1944 : eruption destroyed San Sebastiano , village close to volcano . Marisa Balliriano : been to Mount Vesuvis many times - seen a lot of eruptions - saw one last year - most beatiful thing ever seen !!! Mount Vesuvius is a volcano ...............( ok.4 linijki ) One of MountVesuviu's ........( ok.5 linijek ) Marisa Ballirano is a volcano 'fan' and .........( ok.5linijek ) Pliss daje naj
Mount Vesuvis is located near Haples . The Mount Vesuvis 'nationality' is Italy. It's one of the most famous volcanoes in world . In 76 AD biggest eruption of this volcano destroyed three cities: Herculaneum , Pompeii and Stabiae. One of Mount Vesuviu's eruption was in modern times too. In March 1944 eruption destroyed San Sebastiano,village close to volcano. This event was reflected on the local population for a long time.300 people were died by vulkanic dust. The houses of hundreds people crushes in few minutes.That's was horibble... Marisa Balltirano is a volcano 'fan' and she been to Mount Vesuvis many times.She see alot of eruptions in her life.Expecialy the one.Last year the eruption of volcano Fidżi was epic.She say that was incredible and the most beautifull thing in her life !
One of Mount Vesuviu's eruption was in modern times too. In March 1944 eruption destroyed San Sebastiano,village close to volcano. This event was reflected on the local population for a long time.300 people were died by vulkanic dust. The houses of hundreds people crushes in few minutes.That's was horibble...
Marisa Balltirano is a volcano 'fan' and she been to Mount Vesuvis many times.She see alot of eruptions in her life.Expecialy the one.Last year the eruption of volcano Fidżi was epic.She say that was incredible and the most beautifull thing in her life !