Mars is the forth planet from the Sun. Mars during many years fascinated people of different cultures. It's half the size of the Earth Year of Mars has got 687 days, and day has got 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35,244 seconds.
For many years people have wanted to land on Mars, but it was a big mistake. The Earth is very populated. The scientists have got an idea, that young residents of the Earth will move to another planets. Scientists of N.A.S.A everyday plan settlement on the Moon, but if it don't work, people will have to move to another planet. People are not able to live on Mars. The air of Mars is not applicable, because 95,32 of this is composed of carbon dioxide. People need oxygen. At the night temperature of Mars can rich even -130 degrees of Fahreneit!
Mars is the forth planet from the Sun. Mars during many years fascinated people of different cultures. It's half the size of the Earth Year of Mars has got 687 days, and day has got 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35,244 seconds.
For many years people have wanted to land on Mars, but it was a big mistake. The Earth is very populated. The scientists have got an idea, that young residents of the Earth will move to another planets. Scientists of N.A.S.A everyday plan settlement on the Moon, but if it don't work, people will have to move to another planet. People are not able to live on Mars. The air of Mars is not applicable, because 95,32 of this is composed of carbon dioxide. People need oxygen. At the night temperature of Mars can rich even -130 degrees of Fahreneit!