Królewskie parki w Londynie, Royal Parks of London - zespół ośmiu parków w Londynie. Zostały założone na ziemiach, które pierwotnie należały do monarchii Anglii oraz Wielkiej Brytanii i służyły jako miejsce rekreacji dla rodziny królewskiej (głównie polowania). Wraz z postępującą urbanizacją Londynu, parki, które zostały zachowane jako otwarta przestrzeń, stały się dostępne dla mieszkańców miasta. Obecnie jest osiem parków które formalnie zaliczane są do królewskich. Łącznie zajmują one powierzchnię ok. 5 500 akrów (22 km) w Wielkim Londynie.
* Bushy Park * The Green Park * Greenwich Park * Hyde Park * Kensington Gardens * The Regent's Park * Richmond Park * St. James's Park
Hyde Park i Kensington Gardens (dwa parki sąsiadujące ze sobą), Green Park, Regent's Park i St. James's Park są największymi terenami zielonymi w centrum Londynu. Bushy Park, Greenwich Park i Richmond Park znajdują się na przedmieściach. Brompton Cemetery (cmentarz Brompton), chociaż nie jest parkiem, jest kolejnym terenem zielonym zarządzanym przez Parki Królewskie (agencja). proszę przetłumacznie mi to na język angielski !! bardzo proszę !! potrzebuja na teraz !!
Royal parks in London, the Royal Parks of London - a team of eight parks in London. Were founded on lands that originally belonged to the monarchy of England and Great Britain and served as a place of recreation for the royal family (mainly hunting). Along with the increasing urbanization of London, the parks, which have been preserved as open space, have become available to residents of the city. Currently there are eight parks that are officially classified as the king. They occupy a total area of about 5 500 acres (22 km) in the Great London.
* Bushy Park * The Green Park * Greenwich Park * Hyde Park * Kensington Gardens * The Regent's Park * Richmond Park * St. St. James's Park
Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens (two parks adjacent), Green Park, Regent's Park and St. St. James's Park is the largest green areas in central London. Bushy Park, Greenwich Park and Richmond Park are in the suburbs. Brompton Cemetery (Brompton Cemetery), though it is not a park, is another green area managed by the Royal Parks (agency).
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Royal parks in London, the Royal Parks of London - a team of eight parks in London. Were founded on lands that originally belonged to the monarchy of England and Great Britain and served as a place of recreation for the royal family (mainly hunting). Along with the increasing urbanization of London, the parks, which have been preserved as open space, have become available to residents of the city. Currently there are eight parks that are officially classified as the king. They occupy a total area of about 5 500 acres (22 km) in the Great London.
* Bushy Park * The Green Park * Greenwich Park * Hyde Park * Kensington Gardens * The Regent's Park * Richmond Park * St. St. James's Park
Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens (two parks adjacent), Green Park, Regent's Park and St. St. James's Park is the largest green areas in central London. Bushy Park, Greenwich Park and Richmond Park are in the suburbs. Brompton Cemetery (Brompton Cemetery), though it is not a park, is another green area managed by the Royal Parks (agency).
* Bushy Park
* The Green Park
* Greenwich Park
* Hyde Park
* Kensington Gardens
* The Regent's Park
* Richmond Park
* St. St. James's Park
Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens (two parks adjacent), Green Park, Regent's Park and St. St. James's Park is the largest green areas in central London. Bushy Park, Greenwich Park and Richmond Park are in the suburbs. Brompton Cemetery (Brompton Cemetery), though it is not a park, is another green area managed by the Royal Parks (agency).
* Bushy Park
* The Green Park
* Greenwich Park
* Hyde Park
* Kensington Gardens
* The Regent's Park
* Richmond Park
* St. St. James's Park
Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens (two parks adjacent), Green Park, Regent's Park and St. St. James's Park is the largest green areas in central London. Bushy Park, Greenwich Park and Richmond Park are in the suburbs. Brompton Cemetery (Brompton Cemetery), though it is not a park, is another green area managed by the Royal Parks (agency).