December 2018 1 15 Report
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Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stones J.K Rowling Bloomsburry 1997 Paperback ISBN 0747532745 223pp Judged by this first volume, the Harry Potter books are a fine addition to English children’s fantasy literature. Harry Potter, orphaned when his parents are killed by the evil wizard Voldemort, is taken in by his aunt and uncle, who are Muggles – ordinary, non-magical people. Harry is rather out of place there, but things improve greatly for him when goes to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – except that one of the staff is in league with Voldemort. Part of the attention of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone comes from the familiar but at the same time exotic setting of an English public school, complete with houses and schoolboy adventures, in which Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione struggle to save the world and win the house cup. So Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone will be a great Christmas present for kids who haven’t read it yet – and it is a book that adults (at least those without stunted imaginations) can read as well. 1. What is the title of the book being reviewed.? 2. Who is the author of the book.? 3. Who is protagonist of the novel.? 4. What makes the book attractive.? 5. Where is the setting of harry potter and the philosopher's stone.? 6. What makes it better.? 7.Who is the reviewer of the book.? 8. What do you think of the review.? Tolongg dijawab dengan benar jangan bisanya ngaacak" doangg.
Mohon bantuanya lagi yang pintar bahasa inggris ya jwb dngan benar jangan suka ngasal 1. The tourist bus came to our school thirty minutes late....we had repeatedly told the driver to be on time. A. Even though B. So that C. Because D. Provided that E. In order that 2. It is actually intended to alleviate the national burden of subsidy, ....... At the same time creates another burden for people. A. Otherwise B. Because C. Therefore D. But E. Since 3. Strange to say, indonesia keeps bountiful natural resources.....brings only a little benefit to people. A. However B. Yet C. But D. As E. Otherwise 4. ...... Several cases, have been taken into capital punishment, the implementation in the future will still take loong consideration. A. However B. Therefore C. Unless D. Yet E. Although 5. Satria is intelligent ..... Lazy A. Even though B. Because C. However D. But E. Since 6. Philip won't her your shoot A. As B. Unless C. Still D. Yet E. Therefore 7. He can buy what he likes......he is rich A. Because of B. Nevertheless C. Unless D. Because E. But 8. People living in the outskirts of jakarta are suffering from dengue fever; therefore they...... A. Cannot be contaminated B. Are not aware of the danger C. Don't have to go to the hospital D. Badly need medical help E. Keep themselves healthy 9. "I have to save money every month, otherwise; I won't be able to take a vacation to lombok." The underlined words mean: " take a vacation to lombok." A. A certainly will be able B. If I don't I won't be able C. Therefore, I will be able D. But I will not be able E. Besides I will be able
Jawab dengan benar dan tepat jangan asal asalan atau ngawur. 1. Was there any violence during last week's demonstration? "No,....there were thousands of demonstrator." A. Since B. Even though C. Because D. Although E. In spite 2. ....... The prince of gold rises sharply, people keep buying it. A. Whereas B. However C. Even though D. Nevertheless E. Otherwise 3. ........ Three people have died of cholera, the old people of the village refused to get injection against it. A. Although B. Because C. In spit of D. Since E. As 4. ......... Most people know that success of a television show is measured by its rating's, few know exactly how show are rated. A. Although B. However C. Since D. Nevertheless E. Because 5. ...... Andy seldom attend classes, he is always one of the best student in class. A. As B. Since C. Because D. Although E. If 6. He said that he had spent all his money on books,...., he could have taken his girlfriend to a good restaurant. A. Moreover B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides E. Yet 7. ....... The great inconvenience of traveling, many TV reporters went to the flooded area for their report. A. Despite B. Nevertheless C. Although D. Whereas E. However 8. The expensive treatment had been well researched; however, ..... A. It cured the patient effectively B. It could comfort the patient C. It was not very effective D. It made the patient feel well E. It did not cause discomfort 9. ....... He is got a french name, he is in fact an america. A. Although B. whereas C. However D. Because E. Nevertheless 10. ............ Her injured foot, she managed to walk home. A. Because of B. Nevertheless C. In spite of D. Yet E. However

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