KOMPLIKASI Komplikasi yang paling berat adalah kelumpuhan yang menetap. Kelumpuhan terjadi sebanyak kurang dari 1 dari setiap 100 kasus, tetapi kelemahan satu atau beberapa otot, sering ditemukan.
Terkadang bagian dari otak yang berfungsi mengatur pernafasan terserang polio, sehingga terjadi kelemahan atau kelumpuhan pada otot dada. Beberapa penderita mengalami komplikasi 20-30 tahun setelah terserang polio. Keadaan ini disebut sindroma post-poliomielitis, yang terdiri dari kelemahan otot yang progresif, yang seringkali menyebabkan kelumpuhan.
DIAGNOSA Diagnosis ditegakkan berdasarkan gejala dan hasil pemeriksaan fisik. Untuk memperkuat diagnosis, dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap contoh tinja untuk mencari poliovirus dan pemeriksaan terhadap darah untuk menentukan titer antibodi. Pembiakan virus diambil dari lendir tenggorokan, tinja atau cairan serebrospinal. Pemeriksan rutin terhadap cairan serebrospinal memberikan hasil yang normal atau tekanan, protein serta sel darah putihnya agak meningkat.
PENGOBATAN Polio tidak dapat disembuhkan dan obat anti-virus tidak mempengaruhi perjalanan penyakit ini. Jika otot-otot pernapasan menjadi lemah, bisa digunakan ventilator.
Tujuan utama pengobatan adalah mengontrol gejala sewaktu infeksi berlangsung. Perlengkapan medis vital untuk menyelamatkan nyawa, teruatma membantu pernafasan mungkin diperlukan pada kasus yang parah. Jika terjadi infeksi saluran kemih, diberikan antibiotik. Untuk mengurangi sakit kepala, nyeri dan kejang otot, bisa diberikan obat pereda nyeri. Kejang dan nyeri otot juga bisa dikurangi dengan kompres hangat.
Untuk memaksimalkan pemulihan kekuatan dan fungsi otot mungkin perlu dilakukan terapi fisik, pemakaian sepatu korektif atau penyangga maupun pembedahan ortopedik.
PROGNOSIS Prognosis tergantung kepada jenis polio (subklinis, non-paralitik atau paralitik) dan bagian tubuh yang terkena. Jika tidak menyerang otak dan korda spinalis, kemungkinan akan terjadi pemulihan total. Jika menyerang otak atau korda spinalis, merupakan suatu keadaan gawat darurat yang mungkin akan menyebabkan kelumpuhan atau kematian (biasanya akbiat gangguan pernafasan).
PENCEGAHAN Vaksin polio merupakan bagian dari imunisasi rutin pada masa kanak-kanak. Terdapat 2 jenis vaksin polio:
* Vaksin Salk, merupakan vaksin virus polio yang tidak aktif * Vaksin Sabin, merupakan vaksin virus polio hidup.
Yang memberikan kekebalan yang lebih baik (sampai lebih dari 90%) dan yang lebih disukai adalah vaksin Sabin per-oral (melalui mulut). Tetapi pada penderita gangguan sistem kekebalan, vaksin polio hidup bisa menyebabkan polio. Karena itu vaksin ini tidak diberikan kepada penderita gangguan sistem kekebalan atau orang yang berhubungan dekat dengan penderita gangguan sistem kekebalan karean virus yang hidup dikeluarkan melalui tinja.
Dewasa yang belum pernah mendapatkan imunisasi polio dan hendak mengadakan perjalanan ke daerah yang masih sering terjadi polio, sebaiknya menjalani vaksinasi terlebih dahulu.
terjemahkan !!
COMPLICATIONS (KOMPLIKASI) The most severe complication is persistent paralysis. Paralysis occurs much less than 1 out of every 100 cases, but the weakness of one or several muscles, often found.
Sometimes part of the brain which controls breathing was stricken with polio, causing weakness or paralysis of the muscles of the chest. Some patients experience complications after 20-30 years was stricken with polio. This is called post-poliomyelitis syndrome, which consists of progressive muscle weakness, which often causes paralysis.
Diagnosis (DIAGNOSA) The diagnosis is based on symptoms and physical examination. To confirm the diagnosis, examination of the stool sample to look for poliovirus and examination of blood to determine antibody titer. Culturing the virus taken from the throat mucus, feces or cerebrospinal fluid. Routine examination of the cerebrospinal fluid of normal results or pressure, protein and white blood cells slightly increased.
TREATMENT(PENGOBATAN) Polio can not be cured and anti-viral drugs do not affect the course of the disease. If the respiratory muscles become weak, can be used ventilator.
The main goal of treatment is to control symptoms while the infection progresses. Vital medical equipment to save lives, especially helping respiration may be needed in severe cases. If there is a urinary tract infection, antibiotics are given. To reduce headaches, pain and muscle spasms, can be given pain medication. Spasms and muscle pain can also be reduced with a warm compress.
To maximize recovery of muscle strength and function may need physical therapy, the use of corrective shoes or buffer or orthopedic surgery.
Prognosis (PROGNOSIS) Prognosis depends on the type of polio (subclinical, non-paralytic or paralytic) and the affected body part. If it does not attack the brain and spinal cord, the total recovery is likely to occur. If the attack of the brain or spinal cord, is an emergency situation that might lead to paralysis or death (usually result respiratory disorders).
PREVENTION (PENCEANGAH) The polio vaccine is part of routine immunization in childhood. There are two types of polio vaccine: * Salk vaccine, a vaccine inactivated polio virus * Sabin vaccine, a live polio virus vaccine.
Which provides better immunity (up more than 90%) and is preferably Sabin oral vaccine (by mouth). But in people with immune system disorders, live polio vaccine can cause polio. Because the vaccine is not given to people with impaired immune systems or people who have close contact with people with immune system disorders because live virus excreted through the feces.
Adults who have not been immunized against polio and want to travel to areas where polio is still often the case, you should first undergo vaccination.
#maaf ini hasil sudah semua nya di terjemahaan alo ga salah ini :D #semoga manfaat ya
Sometimes part of the brain which controls breathing was stricken with polio, causing weakness or paralysis of the muscles of the chest. Some patients experience complications after 20-30 years was stricken with polio. This is called post-poliomyelitis syndrome, which consists of progressive muscle weakness, which often causes paralysis.
Diagnosis (DIAGNOSA)
The diagnosis is based on symptoms and physical examination. To confirm the diagnosis, examination of the stool sample to look for poliovirus and examination of blood to determine antibody titer. Culturing the virus taken from the throat mucus, feces or cerebrospinal fluid.
Routine examination of the cerebrospinal fluid of normal results or pressure, protein and white blood cells slightly increased.
Polio can not be cured and anti-viral drugs do not affect the course of the disease. If the respiratory muscles become weak, can be used ventilator.
The main goal of treatment is to control symptoms while the infection progresses. Vital medical equipment to save lives, especially helping respiration may be needed in severe cases. If there is a urinary tract infection, antibiotics are given. To reduce headaches, pain and muscle spasms, can be given pain medication. Spasms and muscle pain can also be reduced with a warm compress.
To maximize recovery of muscle strength and function may need physical therapy, the use of corrective shoes or buffer or orthopedic surgery.
Prognosis (PROGNOSIS) Prognosis depends on the type of polio (subclinical, non-paralytic or paralytic) and the affected body part. If it does not attack the brain and spinal cord, the total recovery is likely to occur. If the attack of the brain or spinal cord, is an emergency situation that might lead to paralysis or death (usually result respiratory disorders).
The polio vaccine is part of routine immunization in childhood. There are two types of polio vaccine:
* Salk vaccine, a vaccine inactivated polio virus
* Sabin vaccine, a live polio virus vaccine.
Which provides better immunity (up more than 90%) and is preferably Sabin oral vaccine (by mouth). But in people with immune system disorders, live polio vaccine can cause polio. Because the vaccine is not given to people with impaired immune systems or people who have close contact with people with immune system disorders because live virus excreted through the feces.
Adults who have not been immunized against polio and want to travel to areas where polio is still often the case, you should first undergo vaccination.
#maaf ini hasil sudah semua nya di terjemahaan alo ga salah ini :D
#semoga manfaat ya