Z kolegą lub kolegą ułóż dialog według podanych wskazówek :
A:Zapytaj kolegę/ koleżankę, co sądzi o nowej szkole językowej, do której razem chodzicie.
B:Wyraź pozytywną opinię o nauczycielu i zajęciach. Uzasadnij swoje zdanie.
A:Nie zgódź się z kolegą/ koleżanką. Przedstaw swoje poglądy
B:Zgódź się z jednym zarzutem kolegi/koleżanki.
A:Powiedz, że wolałbyś/ wolałabyś zmienić szkolę. Dodaj kolejną przyczynę, dla której szkoła ci nie pasuje.
B:Tym razem nie zgódź się zupełnie z tym co mówi kolega/ kolezanka
A:Przyznaj, że trzeba jeszcze dać szkole szanse.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A: What do you think about our new language school ?
B: I am very happy. The teacher was very good and she explained everything very well and now I understand. I would go on the next lessons.
A: No you are wrong. the teacher could be better and the lesson more interesting.
B: Yeah maybe you are right, she could be a little better.
A: I would prefer to change the language school. Maybe it will be more expensive but it will be better
B: No you are wrong. Maybe it was only because the start was boring.
A: Ok we should try to give them a chance
Mam nadzieje że wszystko jest dobrze
A: Hey, what do you thing about this language school?
B: Well, it's nice. Classes are interesting, I learned a lot. I also think, than Mr.Haufen is a fantastic teacher. He's so patient.
A : Yeah, they are interesting but do you have do know all about German strange traditions? I don't think so. Mr.Haufen is to lenient. He never yells when we're loud or something.
B:Maybe you're right. He is extremely toletant. He should be crude sometimes.
A: You know what? I probably will quit with this rubbish school. The classes are too long. I have to many stuff to do. You know what I mean?
B: No, you're wrong . They're quite brief. Maybe try to talk to your football trainer. You told me you don't want to be in a team, don't you?
A: Yes, I did. I will talk to the trainer. I prefer languages than sport. I will try harder to like Mr.Haufen