W trakcie wymiany uczniow dzielisz pokoj z kolega/kolezanka z Anglii. Napisz w zeszycie e-mail do swojego nauczyciela angielskiego w ktorym: - opiszesz osobe, z ktora dzielisz pokoj, - napiszesz jak spedzacie wolny czas, - poinformujesz, kiedy wracasz. Limit Slow: 50-120
Thank you for writing to me. I'm doing well so far.
I share a room with Sam, he's a tall boy with blond hair, and he's very funny. He snores a lot, but it's not too bad because we have separate rooms.
We spend our free time walking around the city and visiting different places. For example, just yesterday we went to a theme park together, it was really fun.
I'm really enjoying my time here, but I can't wait to be back. I will be home by the end of the week, on Friday.
Hi, Mr. Nowak,
Thank you for writing to me. I'm doing well so far.
I share a room with Sam, he's a tall boy with blond hair, and he's very funny. He snores a lot, but it's not too bad because we have separate rooms.
We spend our free time walking around the city and visiting different places. For example, just yesterday we went to a theme park together, it was really fun.
I'm really enjoying my time here, but I can't wait to be back. I will be home by the end of the week, on Friday.
See you in a week,