Twój kolega/koleżanka z zagranicy skarży się w liście na częste kłótnie i konflikty z rodzicami. Napisz do niego/niej list: -napisz ze jest Ci przykro, i wyjaśnij ze większość nastolatków czasami kłóci się z rodzicami. -napisz, o co najczęściej spierasz się z rodzicami i jak rozwiązujesz problemy -zapytaj co jest przyczyna klótni z rodzicami i jak proóowal rozwiazac konflikt -zasugeruj koledze/kolezance zmianę zachowania i wyraz nadzieje ze wszystko bedzie dobrze
Długość listu 120 - 150 słów.
Hey Max. I got your letter.I want to help you and i will do it, so dont be sad and listen : it's normal that teenagers argue with their parents about everything! Believe me. Sometimes i also argue with my dad or mum . Often i quarell about school and my marks. They always say that i must learn more. Sometimes they dont understand me, but i understand them! You also must to try. What's the cause of yours quarells? You must remeber that the most important thing is :to apologize and forgive. Everything will be ok. Let me now how are you feeling. Kisses
I got your letter.I want to help you and i will do it, so dont be sad and listen : it's normal that teenagers argue with their parents about everything! Believe me. Sometimes i also argue with my dad or mum . Often i quarell about school and my marks. They always say that i must learn more. Sometimes they dont understand me, but i understand them! You also must to try. What's the cause of yours quarells? You must remeber that the most important thing is :to apologize and forgive. Everything will be ok. Let me now how are you feeling.