Napisz pocztówkę do koleżanki/kolegi z wyjazdu (np. wakacje, ferie.) (oczywiście w języku angielskim) Napisz to za pomocą schematu; 1 część(akapit):Jaka jest u nas pogoda,Jak się bawimy, co robiliśmy np. w sobotę j,2 część(akapit2):Co robiliśmy wczoraj, co zwiedzaliśmy, 3 część (akapit3), co robimy dzisiaj.Prosiłabym o przetłumaczenie na język polski tego co piszecie:)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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In England, theweatheris beautifulsunshine.On Saturdaywe visitedBigBenand alotof oldmonuments andstatues.
On Friday,the weatherwas badand that is whywe went toan indoor pool andspedziliśnytherea long time.And when theybegantowypogadzaćParkowentout thereand playedfootball.
Hi(imię kolegi/koleżanki),
Thanks for your e-mail. Great to hear the news about your new job - and that you're feeling much better now. Hope, you're enjoying your summer.
I go to London a couple of weeks ago and I'm staying in a place called Great London. Do you know it? It's very handly for the underground.
Today, is not beautiful. It's rainy and foggy. We have planned a trip to the Tower Bridge, but no one wants to go sightseeing today, because of weather. We're having a great time here. Every evening we sit in our living room and play games, chat with each other, disscouse etc. On Saturday(few days ago) we went to the swimming pool, and I drowned(utonąć). Yeah, nothing better.......
Yesterday, we went sightseeing Towe Bridge, and a place, where William Shakespeare was born. Beautiful place.... Really - a piece of history.....
Today, we're going to spend all the time in a hostel. But I hope - it will get much better.
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