Napisz krótki e-mail(50-100)słow do koleżanki/kolegi z londynu
w ktorym opiszesz zgube telefonu
a)poinformuj w jakich okolicznoscach strailas komorke
b)opisz jak na to zdarzenie zareagowali twoi rodzice
c) wyjasnij jakie problemy masz z powodu braku telefonu
bardzo was prosze jest to zadanie trudne i nie potrafie go zrobic
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Alex!
How are You? I'm writing to You because I want to tell You what happened to me two days ago.
Yesterday I went to the cinema with my friends and someone has stolen my mobile phone. Can You imagine that? I've put it into the bag because I thought it will be safe place for it. I said it to my parents and they said that we will buy a new mobile at next week. As You know the cell phone is very important to me because this is my only contact with my friends, for example today we are going to the party and I can't tell my friends that I will be late.
Write to me soon.