Ostatnio brałeś udział w imprezie kulturalnej w twojej szkole. Napisz list prywatny do koleżanki/kolegi z Anglii - napisz co to było za wydarzenie i w jaki sposób byłeś zaangażowany w jego przygotowania - zrelacjonuj przebieg wydarzenia - opisz reakcję publiczności - zachęć kolegę do podzielenia się z Tobą wrażeniami z uczestnictwa w jakimś wydarzeniu kulturalnym, w którym ostatnio brał udział. Od 80 do 140 słów. PRACA KONTROLNA.
Hi Matt! Guess what? Last week we had a performance in our school and I participated it! I'm a member of school theatre, I helped with making decorations and creating the script. Finally that day came. We all were excited and nervous. Then something embarrasing happened: I walked out on the stage and... I forgot what to say. I was extremely stressed! But at least the audience liked our performance. They laughed when we joked and they cried when we played sad scenes. In the end, we got the audition's plaudit. How about you, Matt? Anything interesting happened in your life? Please tell me everything! Love, XYZ
Guess what? Last week we had a performance in our school and I participated it!
I'm a member of school theatre, I helped with making decorations and creating the script.
Finally that day came. We all were excited and nervous. Then something embarrasing happened: I walked out on the stage and... I forgot what to say. I was extremely stressed!
But at least the audience liked our performance. They laughed when we joked and they cried when we played sad scenes. In the end, we got the audition's plaudit.
How about you, Matt? Anything interesting happened in your life? Please tell me everything!