POMOCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Napisz e-mail (PO ANGIELSKU) do koleżanki/kolegi w którym opowiesz o tym że poznałaś nową koleżankę. *napisz w jakich okolicznościach się poznałaś z tą osobą *opisz jego wygląd i charakter *zaproponuj w jaki sposób możecie wszyscy spędzać czas
Hello __ (imię kolegi/koleżanki), I have some amazing news! I've recently met a really nice person. She became my friend. Her name is ___ (imię poznanej koleżanki). She's new in our class and the teacher told me to show her around, that's how I got to know her. She's a bit shorter than me, but we're the same size. Her hair is blond and really long, that's awesome! She has a cool style too. I loved her T-shirt, that's the first thing I told her. She is really nice. She told me about her hobbies. She impressed me, cause she can play chess. It's a rare hobby, isn't it? She likes drawing a lot too. She showed me some of her drawings two days ago, it looks like she is very skilled. She has a great sense of humour as well. We all need to meet one day! I'm sure we would get on well. How about going to a cinema on Saturday together? Call me, so I can tell you the details of our meeting. Bye! ___ (Twoje imię)