Napisze list do kolezanki/kolegi w którym napisze gdzie mieszkam, opisze swoją szkołe, opisze jak spędzasz wolny czas.50-100 słów
z góry thx xd
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Tom,
Thanks for your letter. I'm fine. How are u doing?
Oh man, I bought a new house in LA, with big swimming pool behind it. My school sucks, horrible people, cakes from school bar are worst thing i've ever eaten. But it's one thing i love to do here. Sunbuthing on the big commercial beach and taking advangate of doing nothing more.
I'm waiting for your reply.
See you
Dear Anna
What's up? At me everything well. Now I live in Cracow with parents and my younger brother. From I have always wanted here to live. Cracow is a very pretty place. The school is mine near my house. At school very well he is feeling, even though I don't know many pupils. My class consists of twenty people. in the free time I am going to the cinema, I am meeting with the friend newly get to know from the neighbouring house. Very much I like to help mum with the garden.
I am inviting cie for holidays.
I am greeting
Droga Anno
Co u ciebie słychac? U mnie wszystko dobrze. Teraz mieszkam w Krakowie z rodzicami i moim młodszym bratem. Od zawsze chciałam tu mieszkac. Kraków jest bardzo ładnym miejscem. Moja szkoła jest niedaleko mojego domu. W szkole sie bardzo dobrze czuje, mimo, że nie znam dużo uczniów. Moja klasa liczy dwadzieścia osób.W wolnym czasie chodze do kina , spotykam sie z nowo poznaną kolezanką z sasiedniego domu. Bardzo lubie pomagac mamie w ogrodzie.
Zapraszam cie na wakacje.