List na angielski: Wraz z kolegami przygotowaliście przedstawienie, które zostało wystawione podczas imprezy szkolnej. napisz list do koleżanki/kolegi -poinformuj jakie przedstawienie i z jakiej okazji -napisz jak długo trwały przygotowania i jaka była twoja rola w przygotowaniach -opisz problem który mieliście w trakcie przygotowań, napisz jak go rozwiązaliście - wspomnij jaka była reakcja widzów i na co zostaną przeznaczone pieniądze ze sprzedaży biletów
Reverence Michał At the very beginning I am greeting my letter of you kindly and warmly. I would like to ask what's up?
I would like absolutely to tell you about something. Recently at school with friends and classmates we put on a show for children. We took the fairy tale out for them "Red small hood". The show was held at the theatre "Star". The ticket price for the person amounted to 5 nominal PLN. Preparations lasted over 2 months. I played the main part that is of red small hood. Two weeks before the performance friend Zosia which played a part of the grandmother broke her arm. To entire happiness friend Magda agreed to play the role for the grandmother and in the process she rescued the show. In the day of the show we had the great stage fright. Fortunately everything went well. Spectators were enraptured. Long they clapped and they whistled. We intended small coins cleared away from sold tickets to clothes for children from children's homes.
Greet your family warmly. I am waiting impatiently for your letter. XYZ.
At the very beginning I am greeting my letter of you kindly and warmly. I would like to ask what's up?
I would like absolutely to tell you about something. Recently at school with friends and classmates we put on a show for children. We took the fairy tale out for them "Red small hood". The show was held at the theatre "Star". The ticket price for the person amounted to 5 nominal PLN. Preparations lasted over 2 months. I played the main part that is of red small hood. Two weeks before the performance friend Zosia which played a part of the grandmother broke her arm. To entire happiness friend Magda agreed to play the role for the grandmother and in the process she rescued the show. In the day of the show we had the great stage fright. Fortunately everything went well. Spectators were enraptured. Long they clapped and they whistled. We intended small coins cleared away from sold tickets to clothes for children from children's homes.
Greet your family warmly. I am waiting impatiently for your letter.