Kolega z Finlandii, który piszę pracę na temat korzystania z internetu przez młodzież w rożnych krajach poprosił Cię o pomoc. W odpowiedzi na jego prośbę napisz krótki list w którym;
- opiszesz do czego wykorzystujesz internet
- poinformujesz z jakich młodziezowych portali społecznościowych korzystasz i dla czego
- wyrazisz swoja opinie na temat zadrożen związanych z korzystaniem z interentu
Proszę o napisanie z góry dziękuje :)) Daje naj ... :))
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Thank you for your last letter. I'm glad you're doing well at school. I'll try to help you as good as I can.
I use the Internet access mainly to relax after a tought day , but also to find some information, which would help me to do my homeworks. In my opinion the Internet is the most useful masterpiece ever made. I decided to join many social networks like facebook because of its ease with comunicating with my friends, i'm online everyday for about an hour. However, the Internet has also many disadvantages, but if you are careful you shouldn't have any problems with that. For example it's crucial to save our private information like address and telephone number just for ourselves.
I hope these information will help you! Good luck and take care!
best wishes,