Napisz email po angielsku do kolegi/koleżanki. Zacznij od hi,hello. Pożniej zapytaj co u tej osoby i dodaj do tego coś jeszcze,następnie opowiadasz że zgubiłaś telefon i jak go zgubilas. poźniej jak zareagowali na to rodzice oraz jakie masz problemy przez brak telefonu i jak sobie z tym radzisz. nakoniec napisz odpisz szybo albo cos innego a póżniej kiss albo love jakieś 50-100 słów ma to zawieracdaje naj pierwszej osobiie. z góry Dziękuje :*
Hi Alex How are you? I am writting to you, because I'd like to tell you about some situation, when I lost my mobile phone. Las friady, when I come back grom school I saw that I haven't got my moble phone. I thought that I left it in school cupboard, but when I come to school on Monday-there wasn't my mobile phone. My parents are very angry for me, they told that they aren't going to buy me a new phone. I have no idea where it could be...I'm forced to safe money for new mobile. I hope that I will find my phone. Take care XYZ
How are you? I am writting to you, because I'd like to tell you about some situation, when I lost my mobile phone.
Las friady, when I come back grom school I saw that I haven't got my moble phone. I thought that I left it in school cupboard, but when I come to school on Monday-there wasn't my mobile phone. My parents are very angry for me, they told that they aren't going to buy me a new phone. I have no idea where it could be...I'm forced to safe money for new mobile.
I hope that I will find my phone.
Take care