Jesteś na letnim obozie sportowym w USA. Napisz list (50-100 słów) do kolegi/koleżanki z Anglii, w którym opiszesz: - swoje zajęcia, - jak spędziłeś wczorajszy wieczór, - jak zamierzasz spędzić najbliższy weekend.
!!!DAJE NAJ!!!
Hi Maddie! I'm spending my summertime on a sport camp in USA in Kalifornia! We swim a lot, but we've got really many activietes - we play volleyball or go to the gym. Last evening we were playing the best game I've ever played - it was a carts game POKER. It's fantastic! At the weekend I'll be back in Poland. I will last to this time. But fortunately I can go to this camp next year! Love, Brenda (około 77 słów)
I'm spending my summertime on a sport camp in USA in Kalifornia!
We swim a lot, but we've got really many activietes - we play volleyball or go to the gym. Last evening we were playing the best game I've ever played - it was a carts game POKER. It's fantastic!
At the weekend I'll be back in Poland. I will last to this time. But fortunately I can go to this camp next year!
Brenda (około 77 słów)