Ostatnio byłaś świadkiem kłótni swoich przyjaciół.W e-mailu do waszego wspólnego kolegi/koleżanki napisz: -z jakiego powodu doszło do kłótni, -jak twoja obecność pomogła przyjaciołom się pogodzić, -w jaki sposób przyjaciele odwdzięczyli ci się za rozwiązanie konfliktu. Podpisz się XYZ. Wypowiedz powinna wynosić od 50 do 100 słów. PS:Bardzo proszę o odpowiedz! Nie musi być ona długa,ale powinno być po dwa zdania do każdego podpunktu. DAJE NAJ!!!
Hi Sandra, Yesterday I went to the cinema with Anna and Derec. Everything was fine until Anna said that she didn't want to watch a horror. It was a big problem cause Derec really wanted to see this movie. They startet to argue. I said them that I wanted to watch romantic comedy, and they agreed. Anna and Derec were happy, my intervention helped them so they bought me popcorn ;). Love XYZ
Hi Sandra,
Yesterday I went to the cinema with Anna and Derec. Everything was fine until Anna said that she didn't want to watch a horror. It was a big problem cause Derec really wanted to see this movie. They startet to argue. I said them that I wanted to watch romantic comedy, and they agreed. Anna and Derec were happy, my intervention helped them so they bought me popcorn ;).
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