1. Napisz po angielsku nieformalny email do kolegi:
- powitaj kolegę/ koleżankę - zapytaj, co u niego / u niej słychać - napisz, że jesteś znudzony lekcjami online i że chciałbyś już wrócić do szkoły, - napisz, co sprawia Ci największy problem, - wyraź nadzieję na powrót do szkoły, - pożegnaj się z kolegą / koleżanką
I hope there is more going on in your life than in mine. I am already very bored with these online lessons and I would love to go back to school and back to normality, and you?
My biggest problem is our weak home Internet because it prevents me from attending all classes. I sincerely hope to be back at school soon.
hi Mia,
How are you ? Anything goes on ?
I hope there is more going on in your life than in mine. I am already very bored with these online lessons and I would love to go back to school and back to normality, and you?
My biggest problem is our weak home Internet because it prevents me from attending all classes. I sincerely hope to be back at school soon.
Call back when you find a moment.
best regards, bye