PILNE !! krótki list (najlepiej na ok. 120 słów): kolega/koleżanka z Anglii zaprasza Cię na weekend majowy, kilka dni przed wyjazdem zachorowałeś i musiałeś jechać do szpitala - dziękujesz za zaproszenie, wyjaśniasz, dlaczego nie przyjedziesz - na co jesteś chory i dlaczego musisz być w szpitalu - jak się czujesz, co mówią lekarze -przepraszasz za zmianę planów, proponujesz inny termin przyjazdu
Hello Ann! I was really peased tah we will see! I miss you so much! But few days ago i caugt fle. I have to be in a hospital. I've got headache and cold. I feel so bad. I can't stand up from my bed so i think you will understand that i can't go to you. Doctors say that everything will be ok.. We have to meet!! What you think about next weekend? I will write you how i feel and if everything will be ok, i will go to ou! I miss you so much! I'm very, very sorry! Pleae, write me are you angry... Bye, Ann!!!
I was really peased tah we will see! I miss you so much! But few days ago i caugt fle. I have to be in a hospital. I've got headache and cold. I feel so bad. I can't stand up from my bed so i think you will understand that i can't go to you. Doctors say that everything will be ok.. We have to meet!! What you think about next weekend? I will write you how i feel and if everything will be ok, i will go to ou! I miss you so much! I'm very, very sorry! Pleae, write me are you angry... Bye, Ann!!!