Mam do napisania pocztówkę po angielsku. To pilne !!!! Bardzo prosze o pomoc. Przebywasz na wakacjach w jednym z krajów anglojęzycznych.Napisz pocztówkę do kolegi/koleżanki z zagranicy. -napisz, gdzie przebywasz na wakacjach -napisz, co ciekawego udało ci się zwiedzić/zobaczyć -poinformuj, jakie masz plany na najbliższe dni -wyraź żal, że twój/twoja kolega/koleżanka nie jest razem z tobą
Dear Tom, Hello from London. I'm staying here at guesthouse on the River Thames.I'm having a great time. It's very interesting city.
Yesterday I walked across Tower Bridge and saw the famous astronomical clock: it's fantastic. Later today I'm going to buy some souvenirs.
I'm so sorry, because you are not with me. Bye for now XYZ.
Greeting from London. So far I’ve visited The British Museum and have been to a theatre. I'm visiting The Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London tomorrow.
The weather is good - I'm glad it's not raining. I'm coming back to Poland next Wednesday. I wish you were here. Give my love to your parents.
Hello from London. I'm staying here at guesthouse on the River Thames.I'm having a great time. It's very interesting city.
Yesterday I walked across Tower Bridge and saw the famous astronomical clock: it's fantastic.
Later today I'm going to buy some souvenirs.
I'm so sorry, because you are not with me.
Bye for now
Greeting from London. So far I’ve visited The British Museum and have been to a theatre. I'm visiting The Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London tomorrow.
The weather is good - I'm glad it's not raining. I'm coming back to Poland next Wednesday. I wish you were here. Give my love to your parents.
Keep well,