Napisz krótki email do kolezanki/kolegi Po angielsku w czasie PRESENT PERFECT ! - Poinformuj go jak długo przebywasz na kwarantannie - opisz jak wygląda Twój dzień, - Zapytaj czy Twój kolega/koleżanka chodzi do szkoły czy ma nauczanie zdalne (dintance learning), wyraź nadzieję, że niedługo się spotkacie.
How are you? Is your family healthy? I was one week ago on party and my friend was there too and he has COVID-19. So i have quarantine. I have to be at home for two weeks :(
I have online lessons until around 3 p.m., so then until around 5 p.m. I do my homework. In the meantime, I have a dinner that my mother has cooked for me. After homework I have free time. That's when I most often play on a laptop or read reading if the Polish language lady asks one. And after that, around 10 p.m. I go to sleep.
Do you have dintance learning too? I hope that we will meet for not to long Bye!
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ahaha pewnie jak bedziesz miala jakis problem z niemieckim mozesz pisac do mnie na insta - nadajkaaa_
Mogę tu? Bo mój insta się totalnie zlahowal
How are you? Is your family healthy?
I was one week ago on party and my friend was there too and he has COVID-19. So i have quarantine.
I have to be at home for two weeks :(
I have online lessons until around 3 p.m., so then until around 5 p.m. I do my homework. In the meantime, I have a dinner that my mother has cooked for me. After homework I have free time. That's when I most often play on a laptop or read reading if the Polish language lady asks one. And after that, around 10 p.m. I go to sleep.
Do you have dintance learning too?
I hope that we will meet for not to long