Kolega/koleżanka, z którym korespondujesz po angielsku, zamierza studiować w tym samym mieście co ty i potrzebuje mieszkania. W e-mailu do niej/niego: *zaproponuj wspólne wynajęcie mieszkania, podając zalety tego rozwiązania, *Zrelacjonuj doświadczenia znajomej osoby, która dzieliła mieszkanie z kolegą/koleżanką, *zasugeruj możliwą lokalizację i opisz ją, zapytaj kolegę/koleżankę o opinię na temat takiego rozwiązania.
Początek i koniec jest już podany Hi Sacha I'm so glad we're going to study in the same city, and I've got an idea! . . . Really looking forward to hearing from you. all the best, XYZ
długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów nie licząc zdań, które są podane. Z góry wielkie dzięki ;)
In my opinion, we will get to know each other better and maybe even become friends, I think we will not be bored together maybe we can find common interests.
In the old apartment, another friend lived with a very good friend, there was a lot of talk, shared his duties, even invited friends and played games.
We would stay in a block in the center, it would be close to everywhere, even to a park in the fresh air. What do you think about that. Let me now as fast as you can.
I just had a very interesting idea.
What do you think about us living together?
In my opinion, we will get to know each other better and maybe even become friends, I think we will not be bored together maybe we can find common interests.
In the old apartment, another friend lived with a very good friend, there was a lot of talk, shared his duties, even invited friends and played games.
We would stay in a block in the center, it would be close to everywhere, even to a park in the fresh air. What do you think about that. Let me now as fast as you can.