Napisz przynajmniej cztery różne zasady prawne obowiązujące w Polsce.Powiedz o nich koledze/koleżance.
Proszę o szybką odpowiedz bo na jutro pilnie potrzebne.I przypominam że to na Angielski.
Prosze kto wie nich napisze.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1 - The principle of equality - all the votes cast by citizens have equal weight and importance
2 - The principle of immediacy - every Pole alone, without any third party shall decide on whom to vote and dispose of voting card in the ballot box.
3 - The principle of proportionality - the number of seats in Parliament, occupied by a particular political party, is the number of votes it receives.
4 - The principle of secrecy - every citizen has the ability to independently and anonymously removed from the list of electoral candidates, and thrown it in the ballot box.