Przetłumacz na j.angielski bez tłumacza 1 1 października 1949 utworzona została Chińska Republika Ludowa. 2 Gęstość zaludnienia wynosi 140,4 osób/km2. 3 Kraj ten jest 31 razy większy od Polski. 4 Główna religią są religie chińskie, 32,2%. 5 Najwyższym szczytem jest Mount Everest, 8848 m n.p.m. 6 Najdłuższą rzeką jest Jangcy, 5520 km. 7 Średnia długość życia wynosi 73 lata. 8 Ustrój polityczny - republika ludowa. 9 Najpopularniejszy sport ping-pong. 10 Kraj ten zamieszkuje około 1 000 Polaków.
1. On October 1st 1949 the People's Republic of China was created2. Population density is 140 people for one square kilometer3. This country is 31 times bigger than Poland4. The most popular religion are Chinese religions, 32 percent5. The highest mountain top is Mount Everest, 8848 meters above the sea level6. The longest river is Yangtze, 5520 kilometers7. The average lifespan is 73 years8. Political system - socialist single party state9. The most popular sport is ping pong10. There are around 1000 Poles living in this country
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1. On October 1st 1949 the People's Republic of China was created 2. Population density is 140 people for one square kilometer 3. This country is 31 times bigger than Poland 4. The most popular religion are Chinese religions, 32 percent 5. The highest mountain top is Mount Everest, 8848 meters above the sea level 6. The longest river is Yangtze, 5520 kilometers 7. The average lifespan is 73 years 8. Political system - socialist single party state 9. The most popular sport is ping pong 10. There are around 1000 Poles living in this country
2. Population density is 140 people for one square kilometer
3. This country is 31 times bigger than Poland
4. The most popular religion are Chinese religions, 32 percent
5. The highest mountain top is Mount Everest, 8848 meters above the sea level
6. The longest river is Yangtze, 5520 kilometers
7. The average lifespan is 73 years
8. Political system - socialist single party state
9. The most popular sport is ping pong
10. There are around 1000 Poles living in this country