Keterangan dari opec, wto, ibrd, fao, ifc, undp, unido, oecd
Aku tau kepanjangannya OPEC = organization of petroleum exporting countris WTO = world trade organization IBRD = internasional bank of reconstuction and devolopment FAO = food and agrieulture organisation IFC = internasional finance corporation OECD = organization for economic co - operation devolopment ( sorry ya segitu aja )
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OPEC = Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization WTO = World Trade Organization IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IFC = International Finance Corporation UNDP = United Nations Development Programme UNIDO = United Nations Industrial Development Organization OECD = Organizatin for Economic Co-operation and Development
OPEC = organization of petroleum exporting countris
WTO = world trade organization
IBRD = internasional bank of reconstuction and devolopment
FAO = food and agrieulture organisation
IFC = internasional finance corporation
OECD = organization for economic co - operation devolopment
( sorry ya segitu aja )