Proszę o pomoc. Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji Rozmawiasz z szefem małej restauracji w Brighton, gdzie chciałbyś/chciałabyś zatrudnić się w lecie jako kelner/kelnerka. *Poinformuj go o swoim doświadczeniu z pracy w polskiej pizzerii. *Dowiedz się o warunki finansowe zatrudnienia. *Zapytaj, ile godzin dziennie spędzisz w pracy.
I would like to apply for a post of waitress in your restaurant. -I have worked as a waitress in piza and past restaurant in Warsaw and also in a busy sandwich bar in the city centre. -I would like to ask you what salary I will have. -And could you please tell me how many hours I will work per day. Thank you.
-I have worked as a waitress in piza and past restaurant in Warsaw and also in a busy sandwich bar in the city centre.
-I would like to ask you what salary I will have.
-And could you please tell me how many hours I will work per day.
Thank you.