December 2018 1 28 Report
Kata "sprinter" dan "doping" termasuk ke dalam loan word yang diambil dari kata bahasa inggris atau kah termasuk dalam code mixing?
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MOHON DIKOREKSI apa saja kesalahan didalam paragraf ini. Controlling Idea : Student tends to study abroad Supporting idea I : Prestige Supporting idea II : Life experiences Supporting idea III : Knowledge Student tends to study abroad. They go there for some following reasons. First, they want to increase their prestige level. By studying abroad, they will automatically get a good impression from other people. In addition, the students receive acknowledgement because they have get a higher education. Second, the student wants to study overseas for adding their life experiences. Being in a new cultural environment gives the students opportunity to face new challenges, and solve new problems. They should get to meet and join with the locals like other international students do. Besides, personally living in another country will allow the students to expand their understanding of another culture about differences in food, language, manner and appearance. Last, the students decided to study abroad to get much more knowledge. Continuing study in foreign country helps the student to upgrade their capability in language and their major as well. Then, modern technologies in the country enable the student to develop their skill. In the other hand, after study overseas they will return home with new ideas and knowledge, consequently they are able to dedicate what they have got there into their own country. In short, the students tend to study abroad because they are interested in new things to develop their knowledge and experience and get a prestige too.

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