JĘZYK ANGIELSKI W czasie pobytu na kursie językowym w Brighton opracowujecie w zespołach projekt poświęcony kulturze Waszych krajów. Musicie wybrać lidera zespoły. Rozmawiasz o tym z kolegą/koleżanką z Twojego zespoły.Omów - Znajomość języka angielskiego kandydata na liderkę/lidera - Cechy charakteru, które predestynują go/ją do tej roli - Umiejętności organizacyjne kandydata/kandydatki - Zdolności interpersonalne(łatwość nawiązywania kontaktów) kandydata/kandydatki
A: Hi Jake! How are you? What do you think about Jane as our lider? B: Hi Tom! I'm good, and you? I think she will be a good and representative lider. And your opinion? A: I'm good,too. My opinion... hmm. Yes, she's really good. She speaks English well, but I my opinion your English is better. And that is really important skill. B: I don't think so. Her English is better because of grammar. I know a lot of vocabulary but sometimes I have problems with tenses. A: Ok, ok. I do not agree with you. But she is very talkative, sensible and she likes working in team. B: That's true. I am quite shy. A: I don't think so. Jane is sometimes a little bit bossy, but we can help her bacuase we are a team ! B: And, as a woman she is really hard-working and not messy at all ! A: And we both are. She has everything planned- I would like to be like her ! B: Me too. Organising time and work properly could help me to save more time. A: And she has a lot of friends, I don't know how she can make friends so easily. B: That's because she is so brave, clever and talkative. She doesn't have problems with talking to strangers without stress! A: I also think that she can sell everything to everyone because she is so convincing ! B: Yes ! She will be such a perfect lider !
B: Hi Tom! I'm good, and you? I think she will be a good and representative lider. And your opinion?
A: I'm good,too. My opinion... hmm. Yes, she's really good. She speaks English well, but I my opinion your English is better. And that is really important skill.
B: I don't think so. Her English is better because of grammar. I know a lot of vocabulary but sometimes I have problems with tenses.
A: Ok, ok. I do not agree with you. But she is very talkative, sensible and she likes working in team.
B: That's true. I am quite shy.
A: I don't think so. Jane is sometimes a little bit bossy, but we can help her bacuase we are a team !
B: And, as a woman she is really hard-working and not messy at all !
A: And we both are. She has everything planned- I would like to be like her !
B: Me too. Organising time and work properly could help me to save more time.
A: And she has a lot of friends, I don't know how she can make friends so easily.
B: That's because she is so brave, clever and talkative. She doesn't have problems with talking to strangers without stress!
A: I also think that she can sell everything to everyone because she is so convincing !
B: Yes ! She will be such a perfect lider !