Pada suatu hari Kancil sedang berjalan-jalan di hutan, ketika sedang asik berjalan-jalan sambil makan rumput tiba-tiba Kancil dikagetkan dengan sura auman di depannya, ternyata itu adalah seekor Harimau yang tampaknya sedang kelaparan.
Auuummm!!! Hari ini nasibku baik sekali, perutku lagi kroncongan ehh ketemu Kancil sebagai makan siangku. Hei Kancil siap-siap ku makan nih, Aummmmmmmmm!!!.
Eittt! Tunggu Dulu Harimau, kalau kamu makan aku, kamu akan kehilangan cerita rahasia sabuk sang dewa, siapa yang memakainya akan bisa terbang dan kuat seperti dewa. Mau ngak bisa terbang dan kuat seperti dewa pasti kamu jadi raja hutan seperti selama ini yang kamu idam-idam kan, mau ngak ???? “ kata Kancil”.
Benar nih Cill, kamu ngak akan ku makan asal kamu beri tahu dimana letak sabuk dewa itu. “kata harimau”.
Benar dong, ayo ikut aku ke batu besar dipinggir sungai dekat rumpun bambu di selatan hutan. “kata Kancil”.
Merekapun segera berjalan menuju pinggir sungai di selatan hutan, ketika sampai ditujuan tampak sebuah benda berwarna cokelat hitam melingkar di sebuah batu besar menyerupai sebuah sabuk.
Harimaupun mengaum panjang, Aummmmmmm!!! Bergerak hendak menerjang benda tersebut.
Eitt ! Tunggu dulu Harimau, kalau kamu mau memakai sabuk dewa tersebut kamu harus berjalan mundur kearah sabuk tersebut dan jangan sekali-kali menengok ke belakang, agar dewa pemilik sabuk itu tidak mengetahui kehadiran mu kan mereka sedang asik mandi di sungai. “kata kancil”
Benar juga katamu Cil, habis sabuknya besar sekali sih jadi aku ngak sabar untuk memakainya. “Kata Harimau”
Oke deh! Harimau, sekarang kamu boleh berjalan mundur kearah sabuk itu. Tapi sebelum itu aku hitung dulu yach aku mau sembunyi takut nanti dimarahi dewa kalau melihatku. “kata Kancil “.
Cepat hitung Cil, aku sudah ngak sabar mau jadi raja hutan nih.!!!
Ok ku hitung yach, “kata Kancil” (Ajak anak anda ikut berhitung)!!!! 1.2.3. udah kah belum (kata Harimau), belum (Kata kancil sambil berlari meninggalkan harimau) (udah belum), (Belum) 8.9.10 (sudahkah belum) (sudah teriak kancil yang sudah jauh meninggalkan Harimau)…………
Tanpa berpikir panjang Harimau pun segera berjalan mundur menuju kearah benda yang menyerupai sabuk tersebut. Dan ketika tubuhnya memasuki kedalam lingkaran tersebut tiba-tiba benda tersebut bergerak melilit tubuh Harimau. Harimau tampak senang karena dalam pikirannya sabuk tersebut sedang bereaksi memberi kekuatan ke tubuhnya, tapi tiba-tiba lilitan itu semakin lama semakin kuat dan membuat harimau kesakitan. Dan alangkah kagetnya Harimau ketika dihadapannya muncul kepala ular piton raksasa di depannya. Harimaupun berteriak minta tolong dan menggeram “Awas kamu cill, kamu telah membohongi ku. Ternyata benda ini bukan sabuk dewa tapi ular piton raksasa”” tapi teriakan minta tolong itu tampaknya sia-sia belaka. Karena ular piton itu terlampau besar dan akhirnya matilah Harimau tesebut dengan tulang-tulang yang remuk.
Adapun Kancil yang nyawanya terselamatkan karena kecerdikannya memulai petualangan barunya di belantara hutan.
Questions follow English High School 10 points + 5 points to the best 8 minutes ago TIGER AND mouse deer (BELTS DEWA) One day the hare was TIGER AND mouse deer (BELTS DEWA) One day the hare was a walk in the woods, while it is cool to walk around while eating grass hare suddenly surprised by sura roar in front of him, it turns out it is a tiger that apparently are starving. Auuummm!!! Today is my fate too kind, my stomach again kroncongan ehh met hare as my lunch. Hey my hare ready to eat ya, Aummmmmmmmm!!!. Eittt! Wait A Tiger, if you eat me, you will lose the belt the secret story of the god, who does it will be able to fly and powerful as gods. Want ngak can fly like a god and strong so you definitely king of the jungle as long as this is what you are craving-craving it, want ngak???? "Said Mouse Deer". Cill ya right, you will ngak I eat as long as you let me know where is the god belt. "Said the tiger". True dong, come with me to the big rocks on the river bank near a bamboo grove in southern forests. "Said Mouse Deer". And they immediately walked to the edge of the river in the south of the forest, when it arrived at the destination appears a dark brown circular object on a large rock resembling a belt. Harimaupun long roar, Aummmmmmm!!! Want to move the object struck. Eitt! Hold on Tiger, if you want to wear the belt god you have to walk backwards towards the belt and do not ever look back, that god does not know the owner of that belt right your presence they are cool bath in the river. "Said the deer" Correct CIL also say, runs a huge belt anyway so I ngak wait to wear it. "The word of the Tiger" Okay! Tigers, now you must walk backwards towards the belt. But before that I used to count yach I want to hide when scared later scolded gods saw. "Said Mouse Deer". CIL fast count, I've been patiently ngak ya want to be king of the jungle.!!! Ok count me yach, "said Mouse Deer" (Get your kids involved counting)!!!! 1.2.3. Did not already (says Tiger), not (as he ran from the word deer tiger) ('ve yet), (yet) 8.9.10 (have not) ('ve cried deer are already far left Tiger) ............ Without thinking Tiger was soon walking backward moving towards objects that resemble the belt. And when the body enters into the circle of the object suddenly moves Tigers wrapped around the body. Tiger seemed happy because in his mind the belt was reacted to give strength to the body, but the coil suddenly becoming increasingly stronger and make tiger in pain. And what a surprise when the Tigers appeared in front of a giant python's head in front of him. Harimaupun screaming for help and growled "Watch ye cill, you have lied to me. It turns out that this thing is not a god but a belt giant python "" cry for help but it seems futile. Because it was too large pythons and eventually die Tiger proficiency level with broken bones. The hare that lives were saved because of his ingenuity begin his new adventure in the wilds of the forest.