Suatu hari, Paino pergi ke kebunnya untuk bekerja seperti biasa. Namun, alangkah terkejutnya Paino melihat tanaman beet (umbi) nya berbuah sangat besar. Lalu ia berinisiatif untuk menjual beet raksasanya tersebut kepada kerajaan. Ditengah perjalanannya menuju kerajaan, para warga yang melihat paino membawa beet raksasa sangat terkejut akan ukuran beet yang super besar itu. Sang kakak (Parno) pun turut melihat kejadian itu. Sesampainya dikerajaan, paino segera memberikannya kepada sang raja dan raja pun menukarnya dengan 2 peti berisi emas. Paino pun sangat senang dan segera pulang membawa 2 peti emas tersebut. Namun ditengah perjalanan pulang, Parno merampas peti emas milik Paino dan segera membawanya pulang ke rumahnya.Tanpa disadari, ada prajurit kerajaan yang melihat kejadian tersebut. Prajurit itupun segera melapor kepada sang raja, dan raja yang mendengar berita pun itu marah dan segera memerintahkan para prajurit untuk menangkap parno dan membawanya ke kerajaan. Sesampainya parno dikerajaan, ia meminta maaf kepada sang raja dan segera mengembalikan peti emas milik paino. -end-
One day, Paino goes to his garden to work as usual. But, Paino was surprised to see his beet plant to bear a very big fruit. Then, he has the initiative to sell the giant beet to the royalty. In the middle of his journey to the royal palace, the citizens who saw Paino was so suprised to see the enormous size of the giant beet. Paino's brother, Parno also saw it. When Paino arrived at the royal palace, Paino gave the beet to the king, and the king exchange the beet with two crates filled with golds. Paino was so happy and immediately took home those two crates filled with golds. But, on the middle of his journey home, Parno took Paino's gold crates by force, and took home the gold crates to his own house. He doesn't realize that there's a royal soldier saw the event. The soldier immediately report it to the king. The king was so angry hearing about the event and commanded the soldiers to arrest Parno and took him to the royal palace. When Parno arrived at the royal palace, he immediately apologized to the king and return Paino's gold crates. -The End-
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One day, paino going to the garden for work as usual. but he really shocked when he saw his tuber were growing so large. then he had an idea to sell his large tuber to a kingdom. in the middle of his way to the kingdom, all of people are shocked of the size of his tuber. his brother (parno) was watching that too. when he came to the kingdom, paino gave his large tuber to the king, and the king trade his large tuber with 2 chests, inside that chest there were a lot of gold. then in the middle of his way to going back home, parno took paino's chests and run away to his own home. but parno's attitude are watched by the soldier. the soldier then told the king about that accident, the king became angry and order his soldier to catch parno and bring parno to the kingdom. when parno came, he apologize to the king and quickly gave back paino's golden chests
In the middle of his journey to the royal palace, the citizens who saw Paino was so suprised to see the enormous size of the giant beet. Paino's brother, Parno also saw it. When Paino arrived at the royal palace, Paino gave the beet to the king, and the king exchange the beet with two crates filled with golds. Paino was so happy and immediately took home those two crates filled with golds.
But, on the middle of his journey home, Parno took Paino's gold crates by force, and took home the gold crates to his own house. He doesn't realize that there's a royal soldier saw the event. The soldier immediately report it to the king. The king was so angry hearing about the event and commanded the soldiers to arrest Parno and took him to the royal palace. When Parno arrived at the royal palace, he immediately apologized to the king and return Paino's gold crates.
-The End-
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when he came to the kingdom, paino gave his large tuber to the king, and the king trade his large tuber with 2 chests, inside that chest there were a lot of gold. then in the middle of his way to going back home, parno took paino's chests and run away to his own home. but parno's attitude are watched by the soldier. the soldier then told the king about that accident, the king became angry and order his soldier to catch parno and bring parno to the kingdom.
when parno came, he apologize to the king and quickly gave back paino's golden chests