Kalimat dari kata kata supper, plowed, thought, convincing, fusser, pneumonia, exaggeration, reply, shoveling, ruining, truth, prospect, bonfire, odor, pledge of allegiance, motioned, comma, coma kalimat nya masing masing 2 yaa Dan yang bisa di mengerti Serta artinya
I made supper. (saya memasak makan malam) Let's eat supper. (mari makan malam)
The oxen plowed the field. (kerbau-kerbau membajak sawah) The soil was freshly plowed. (tanahnya baru dibajak)
I thought so too. (saya juga pikir begitu) You thought wrong. (perkiraan kamu salah)
It is not very convincing. (hal itu tidak begitu meyakinkan) He needs convincing. (dia perlu diyakinkan)
My grandmother is a fusser. (nenek saya orang yang cerewet) The baby is a fusser. (bayi itu anak yang rewel)
He died of pneumonia. (dia meniggal karena pneumonia) Pneumonia causes difficulty in breathing. (Pneumonia menyebabkan kesulitan bernafas)
I think that's an exaggeration. (saya kira itu berlebihan) It is no exaggeration to call him a genius. (tidaklah berlebihan menyebut dia jenius)
I'm waiting for his reply. (saya menunggu balasan dia) Please reply immediately. (tolong balas secepatnya)
They are shoveling the snow. (mereka sedang mnyekop salju) Stop shoveling food into your mouth. (berhenti melahap makanan ke mulutmu.)
You are ruining it. (kamu menghancurkannya) I feel bad about ruining your party. (saya menyesal merusak pestamu)
The truth will set you free. (kebenaran akan membebaskanmu) The truth is out there. (kebenaran ada di luar sana)
There is little prospect of my success. (kecil kemungkinan saya berhasil) I'm optimistic about our prospects. (saya optimis akan kemungkinan keberhasilan kita)
They made a bonfire. (mereka menyalakan api unggun) An untended bonfire caused the forest fire. (api unggun yang tidak dijaga menyebabkan kebakaran hutan itu)
There's a strange odor here. (ada bau yang aneh di sini) He has strong body odor. (dia punya bau badan yang kuat)
They made a pledge of allegiance. (mereka bersumpah untuk patuh) He ignored the pledge of allegiance. (dia tidak mngindahkan sumpah kepatuhan)
He motioned Tom to a chair. (dia menyuruh Tom dengan tangannya ke kursi) The council motioned to rewrite the constitution. (dewan mengusulkan untuk menulis kembali undang-undang tsb)
Should I put a comma here? (perlukah saya menaruh koma di sini) The comma completely change the meaning of the sentence. (koma itu benar-benar mengubah arti kalimat tsb)
He is in a coma. (dia koma) He has come out of his coma. (dia telah sadar dari komanya)
Verified answer
I made supper. (saya memasak makan malam)Let's eat supper. (mari makan malam)
The oxen plowed the field. (kerbau-kerbau membajak sawah)
The soil was freshly plowed. (tanahnya baru dibajak)
I thought so too. (saya juga pikir begitu)
You thought wrong. (perkiraan kamu salah)
It is not very convincing. (hal itu tidak begitu meyakinkan)
He needs convincing. (dia perlu diyakinkan)
My grandmother is a fusser. (nenek saya orang yang cerewet)
The baby is a fusser. (bayi itu anak yang rewel)
He died of pneumonia. (dia meniggal karena pneumonia)
Pneumonia causes difficulty in breathing. (Pneumonia menyebabkan kesulitan bernafas)
I think that's an exaggeration. (saya kira itu berlebihan)
It is no exaggeration to call him a genius. (tidaklah berlebihan menyebut dia jenius)
I'm waiting for his reply. (saya menunggu balasan dia)
Please reply immediately. (tolong balas secepatnya)
They are shoveling the snow. (mereka sedang mnyekop salju)
Stop shoveling food into your mouth. (berhenti melahap makanan ke mulutmu.)
You are ruining it. (kamu menghancurkannya)
I feel bad about ruining your party. (saya menyesal merusak pestamu)
The truth will set you free. (kebenaran akan membebaskanmu)
The truth is out there. (kebenaran ada di luar sana)
There is little prospect of my success. (kecil kemungkinan saya berhasil)
I'm optimistic about our prospects. (saya optimis akan kemungkinan keberhasilan kita)
They made a bonfire. (mereka menyalakan api unggun)
An untended bonfire caused the forest fire. (api unggun yang tidak dijaga menyebabkan kebakaran hutan itu)
There's a strange odor here. (ada bau yang aneh di sini)
He has strong body odor. (dia punya bau badan yang kuat)
They made a pledge of allegiance. (mereka bersumpah untuk patuh)
He ignored the pledge of allegiance. (dia tidak mngindahkan sumpah kepatuhan)
He motioned Tom to a chair. (dia menyuruh Tom dengan tangannya ke kursi)
The council motioned to rewrite the constitution. (dewan mengusulkan untuk menulis kembali undang-undang tsb)
Should I put a comma here? (perlukah saya menaruh koma di sini)
The comma completely change the meaning of the sentence. (koma itu benar-benar mengubah arti kalimat tsb)
He is in a coma. (dia koma)
He has come out of his coma. (dia telah sadar dari komanya)